dozy - Interesting when you say your dad would lose his position as an elder if his whole family wasn't in da troof, I've heard that happening, but my dad was an elder and I was still living at home when I was over 20. I was never baptized and when I was around your age at the time my dad finally realized that I really wasn't into it and said I didn't have to attend the mtgs anymore, (my mother wasn't too pleased with that, but the wife must obey the hubby)!
The thing is though my dad didn't even get baptized until I was 18 or 19 and for some reason the brothers thought he was good elder material, so he was basically new at the game when he said I didn't have to go to mtgs anymore and he didn't lose being an elder. Just goes to show you that sometimes they come down hard with their BS rules and then sometimes they just breeze right by and nobody gives a damn