Ok Silent, didn't know you were black, but this whole thread is about Illegal immigrants, so what do "our people" have to do with "illegal" folks within the United States.
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
How Do You Think The USA Should Allow Illegal Immigrants To Freely Flow Into The Country?
by minimus inmany people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
How Do You Think The USA Should Allow Illegal Immigrants To Freely Flow Into The Country?
by minimus inmany people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
TBH, I don't get your line of reasoning. You seem to be implying that fighting illegal immigration is hopeless
Yeah, it kinda is, this illegal immigrant thing didn't just start with the current POTUS you know, so yeah it kinda is hopeless. I live in Queens, NY which is the most diverse part of all of NYC. There are 65 I believe it is different languages being spoken in my borough. I have a supermarket a few blocks down the block from me that is strictly Halal, no pork products allowed, even in other supermarkets they sell Halal poultry. If someone from the south came up to just about any part of the city they would see women with the faces all covered up walking down the street, Lord knows what they would think. THe problem of illegals will never be 100 per cent nipped in the bud.
Just like the drug problem, how is that after all we've heard over the decades about stronger rules to stop drugs coming in from other countries, has anything really changed? Of course not.
How Do You Think The USA Should Allow Illegal Immigrants To Freely Flow Into The Country?
by minimus inmany people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
The number of births by black women last month... 48000. Let that sink in.
Explain that for me, so I get the full understanding of what you're saying about African American women giving birth, since we're talking about immigrants from all over the universe
How Do You Think The USA Should Allow Illegal Immigrants To Freely Flow Into The Country?
by minimus inmany people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
Let's say the wall is built and is definitely keeping Mexicans from getting into the country, OK, no more illegals from Mexico, fine. Now, how do we build a wall in the Atlantic Ocean or in the sky to keep the illegals from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti and so many other places from coming from the U.S.? His followers are always ready to shout "build that wall", but that's just taking care of one country. How do you keep everyody else out, "build that wall in the sky"? . . . "build that wall in the Atlantic Ocean!" . . .? ?
Jw.org news about new assignment
by Gorbatchov injust read this interesting news at jw.org.
g.. .
Oh, so that's why he's stocking up on the Scotch bottles, I would think the liquor stores in the Philippines aren't as stocked with the good stuff as they are here in U.S.
Tony Morris video footage of him buying a dozen bottles of scotch
by UnshackleTheChains ini was howling watching cedars latest video of tm111 buying a dozen bottles of scotch ((maccallans scotch).
you can't write this stuff.
right, i'm now off to buy a bottle of maccallans 😂..
So the Borg even quotes a scripture in Galatians when they warn about drinking, yet we all know they can put away. Before my dad was baptized my folks had a anniversary party and basically the whole Cong was invited. My father (a drinker) asked the waiter for a box at the end of the party because "this isn't a drinking crowd". Guess how many bottles were left to be put in the box for him to take home . . . . . NADA !! He's told that story several times to a few Dubs and they laughed, weren't even offended, but they why should they be?
Chris Rock skewered “jessy” last night. He said he lost the U when he lost all respect.
Min, are we finally in agreement with something? I guess Armageddon is on it's way then! Chris is on point, he usually is in my opinion, just a few things he's said I don't agree with, but on point with this one. BTW I wouldn't call it a "skewering" but he did say what he had to say especially since he started off with he was warned not to say anything anything about Smollett
Chicago is charging Smollett $130,000. Good ought to be more than that
Here We Go...AGAIN!
by FedUpJW inso here is a newer post over on that other site that reminds me of wash, rinse, and repeat.. this could be "our last memorial"!!!!
by shannie, wednesday at 08:14 pm in our meetings, ministry, and life as a christian.
well once again the memorial is upon us... tonight at our meeting.. .
Interesting how the Dubs believe in the scripture that says no man knows the day nor hour, or the one that says a day to the Lord is like a thousand days or whatever, but they still claim everyday that the end is near.
Anyway, as those here that can somehow sit through that drivel every year have reported that the days of people standing up and wrapped around the walls for the memorial are basically over. I wonder though if some Congs still rent out school gymnasiums like I heard they did back in the day to handle the massive crowds, I guess only if they now combine a few congs at one time for the memorial
Whoever the Top Paid actors in Hollywood are, Jussie Smollett is no where near that list, so how the heck were his charges dropped, he has no clout, like the top paid actors.
I agree 100 per cent with what Rahm Emmanuel said this afternoon at the press conference.