Two things are infinite: the Universe and . . . JW stupidity.
That sums it all up.
jw humor.
there are people who bring happiness whenever they enter a room.. jw’s bring joy when they exit.. .
if you talk to god, you’re praying; if god talks to you, you’re either schizophrenic, the g.b.
Two things are infinite: the Universe and . . . JW stupidity.
That sums it all up.
we all gossip.
it is only human.
watchtower actually tries to instruct adherents not to gossip and it can land a jw in front of a judicial committee—some do try to follow this admonition.
Island Man - a correction to your post above would be JW elders in addition to gossiping about non JW bosses and neighbors also tell all confidential info to their wives who tell the other sisters in the congregation, that I can attest to from growing up when an my mother and an elders wife were very close and also when my father became an elder. Nothing is secret in DubLand
greetings, fellow posters:.
wishing you well and offering my sympathy if you've ever experienced vertigo.
my neighbor is a physical therapist and told me about the epley maneuver, which i am now researching.. have you ever been through this hell of total incapacitation?.
I've had positional vertigo for 30 years, funny thing is when I went to the Dr. about a year ago she gave me some print outs with excercises to do to keep it at bay. Most of the time it bothers me in bed when I turn my head a certain way, so one of the things to do is look to the left for 5 second and then the right, while I was doing that while in bed looking straight ahead of me it brought on one of the worse attacks I've had, because usually after my head stops spinning I can walk ok with no staggering, that time what scared me was after I thought I was OK and I got up to walk I couldn't walk straight, lasted for a few minutes then went away, that was last October, haven't had a major attack since, but I didn't like that not being able to walk straight when I thought that I could.
i sat in town recently, right in the window of a nice wee pub.
within minutes i realised that i had a perfect view of a jw cart and the two ridiculously dressed jw's (they have absolutely no individuality at all.
what's more, they all look like they're going to a funeral).
jambon - It doesn't matter to them that they don't speak to one person all day, it's all about "gettin' that time in", just an easy way to count their time instead of walking door to door, that's all it is plain and simple.
Well, joe134cd glad you found her video so funny you couldn't stop laughing, I kept waiting for the part to make me start laughing. Someone needs to teach her how to tell a story, especially a so called "funny" one.
i feel like a idiot but what was the respond time?
within 5-7 minutes my street was blocked off, i received.
a call from the police dept.
I think I remember you saying you're in California, so whatever town you're in I'm now sure you're not in Compton.
I remember back in the 70's my aunt's house was broken into so she bought a burglar alarm, when she was away for a few days, if no a whole week it went off non-stop until she returned. Her neighbor called us but we didn't have a key to the house, I guess the police can't break into a house to turn off alarms, but then again like I said this was back in the 70's.
on the local nyc 6pm news a reporter interviewed a guy behind bars for burglary to ask him how they scope out the people/house they hit, this guy just said he even put on a tie and pretended he was a jw while scoping out the place to see what their schedule is, to see if anyone is at home.. have to say smart move on the burglars part, but of course not a smart move at all to break in and take other folks property.
On the local NYC 6pm news a reporter interviewed a guy behind bars for burglary to ask him how they scope out the people/house they hit, this guy just said he even put on a tie and pretended he was a JW while scoping out the place to see what their schedule is, to see if anyone is at home.
Have to say smart move on the burglars part, but of course not a smart move at all to break in and take other folks property
working an area in town with this brother who after knocking on door and finding no one home , he stands behind small tree and has piss on front lawn.fairdinkim.i hope they weren't peeping through binds,but then again better the piss than the shit mags we were going to leave..
Blondie, really? That's the best yet!
Should've rolled them up when she was done and handed them back and said "I don't want this crap in my house"!
two weeks ago while visiting a friend in north carolina, i agreed to go with him to the sunday public talk.
the public talk was about how the witnesses have the direction of angels while going in service.
the speaker told some real doozies and you could hear the "oohs and ahhs" from the audience.
Well the lady did not live in the building and somehow the brothers when they pushed the buzzer for the intercom connected to the the ladies cellphone in a different building and she jsut happened to want a Bible study. I thought the audience was going to start clapping.
Can that even happen? If I'm following this correctly, they pushed a button, the intercom button to get access to one of the individual apts in a bldg but this time when pushing that button a cellphone can be called? I guess with all this modern technology that can be done, but obviously that intercom button rang a cellphone of someone who doesn't even live in the bldg? Really not buying this one, tell the Elders to try again, this sounds just as bogus as the Avon Lady story that was going around when I was growing up in da troof .
this is a true story.
it's about a sister named henriette venema.
she was a very loyal jw.
The show must go on, sad. I remember a brother who was conducting the WT study had a seizure, so he was carried to the back while paramedics were called, someone stepped up to take his place and picked up from the paragraph he left off at, can't waste Jah's precious time!