I'm not one that really believes in the "hokus pokus" stuff either but, after my mom died and I sold the house, the realtor and I were sitting at the dining room table and I was signing the paperwork. I was facing the wall where the furnace box was to turn on and off the heat, right next to it is the former opening in the wall where the old box was that was covered up with a small little framed picture my mother put over it. When she first put up that frame (more than twenty years ago) with just a nail I remember the frame used to just slide down to the floor a lot until I guess my dad made it a bit more secure.
ANYWAY, as I was sitting at the table, at the actual point when I was signing my name, that little picture then didn't just slide down to the floor, it practically jumped off the wall, like a tiny little mini explosion, no, not across the room or anything, just about six inches or so from the wall. So I'm thinking my Dad or mom thought I wouldn't sell the house. That was really kinda creepy seeing that, the exact moment I was signing my name to finalize the sale!