Why is it that ALL of the friends show happiness and excitement when a meeting is cancelled?
That's because something unexpected brings out their true feelings, like when a snow or rain storm flooding will cancel a meeting
why is it that all of the friends show happiness and excitement when a meeting is cancelled?.
no meetings week of memorial "what a blessing from jah!".
bad weather - oh it's so nice to have a night off.
Why is it that ALL of the friends show happiness and excitement when a meeting is cancelled?
That's because something unexpected brings out their true feelings, like when a snow or rain storm flooding will cancel a meeting
they say it will be out any day soon.
do you think the report will do major damage to trump?.
Shirley, maybe you should be in a prison too then
and of course you would be already locked up, so we could be co-ed cellmates
they say it will be out any day soon.
do you think the report will do major damage to trump?.
Hey Mustard - if I even bothered to answer you, we'd be back and forth, that's why I said to Min in my comment don't even bother to respond, at the end of the day I won't change your views and you won't change mine, HOWEVER I think Drumpf is the all time biggest asshole on the planet and should be put UNDER the biggest prison on this planet, if you disagree you surely have the right, but you can type your reasons here until midnight, my views remain the same, AS DO YOURS ! I've learned just to share my views, but they will not changed, so why would anyone even want to start the argument, like you stick with your views.
However, if you really want to argue a point I'll offer you this, I don't like peanut butter, are you one of the billions of people on the planet that do? Do you think you can change my views about that? Go ahead and try
they say it will be out any day soon.
do you think the report will do major damage to trump?.
All of you pro-Trumpsters here, I can just imagine what kind of "faithful, believe every word" JWs you all were. But at least you all realize that the Borg is full of shit, so maybe one day you all will learn the truth about the trut . . .I mean the truth about Drumpf
(Minimus don;t even bother, neither one of us is going to convert to the other side of our political beliefs)
they say it will be out any day soon.
do you think the report will do major damage to trump?.
many 35 % of Trump supporters will continue to be victims of the Stockolm syndrome burying the facts of the Mueller report with their heads in the sand like ostriches
Truth! Sad but true
the cult draws a lot of strange people in.
people who act like snobs about education and how much more important the witnessing work is.
people with hang-ups.
Incognigo - Your thoughts below are mines too.
Yah, I was embarrassed to be associated with Jehovah's witnesses, period. Being a spectacle almost every day in school, because you didnt salute the flag, day the pledge, participate in birthdays or holidays. Constantly being made to stand out, for percieved negative reasons, while not being allowed to make a solid friendship with anyone around you. Constantly being embarrassed, yet getting good at hiding it, and learning how to hide in plain sight, or avoid those situations altogether.
But yah, I'm embarrassed that I was ever a part of Jehovah's witnesses, period.
to be a publisher?.
an auxiliary pioneer?.
an regular pioneer?.
70 hours for regular pioneers a month
remember when it used to be 100, now it's 70, yeah, so Jehovah spoke to the GB an said change the hours to 70, yeah, that happened, sounds like the only true religion on earth doesn't it, Jehovah keeping hourly tabs on everyone's time knocking on doors or sitting in a subway station
i remember reading somewhere (perhaps on here?
) than an entire congregation disassociated and started their own congregation after decided that the gb were apostate.. was this an urban myth or is there any evidence of this?.
There was a cong in Brooklyn, I think it was the Spring Creek Cong where most of congregation was disfellowshipped and back in the late 70's or early 80's
many people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
Do you really think that I didn't know other black folks post here Min, REALLY, REALLY ? and once again what does that have to do with the my post you're responding too? YOu know what, forget it, don't answer, like talking to a Dub when they come knocking at your door and you show them something factual and they just can't admit it.
many people have said there is no emergency at the border for people illegally coming into the country and furthermore we have an obligation to help these people in a humanitarian way come through.
do you think we can just keep on taking in all of these people?
Shirley, you seem to forget other black folks post here too
Minimus, what the HELL does that have to do with my direct post to you saying thank you for being my number one fan since you seem to remember that Silent made it known to me that he was black? Will you please explain that to me?