ShirleyW, no veggies?
I always eat vegetables with dinner, but if it's the last meal, doesn't really matter, no need for roughage or fiber for the next morning !!
i’m watching a restaurant tv show and i’m getting hungry 🐷...i think i would enjoy a prime rib end cut with buttered baked potato and definitely a greek salad with plenty of feta as the first course..
ShirleyW, no veggies?
I always eat vegetables with dinner, but if it's the last meal, doesn't really matter, no need for roughage or fiber for the next morning !!
i’m watching a restaurant tv show and i’m getting hungry 🐷...i think i would enjoy a prime rib end cut with buttered baked potato and definitely a greek salad with plenty of feta as the first course..
As mentioned in my previous post surf and turf would do just fine, a huge lobster and thick cut of the best prime rib
i’m watching a restaurant tv show and i’m getting hungry 🐷...i think i would enjoy a prime rib end cut with buttered baked potato and definitely a greek salad with plenty of feta as the first course..
Would you really be able to truly enjoy your last meal on earth?? Wouldn't you be a bit depressed or something knowing it's your last day, that might keep you from enjoying it, I don't think I"d enjoy a 3lb lobster or thick cut of prime rib if I knew in about an hour or so after eating it, my life would be purposely ended.
just curious if anyone has ever been to an assembly with zero baptisms.
if not, i see that happening soon and cant wait for that awkward day!.
I remember my mother mentioning that a few times, but the baptism talk was still given, why?? Oh I know, so they wouldn't lose the interested persons who somehow were duped by their study partner to attend the assembly and observe all those who were going to give their lives up to Jehovah, which means in all reality giving your life up to seven old guys in Brooklyn, now Warwick. OOPS, I guess there were a few assemblies where the folks who were studying actually "used the brain that Jehovah gave you" (as my mother always used to say) and realized this cult thing is a total piece of crap!!
i was wondering if any long time jw's that are now pomo's here on the forum now act in a leadership role within another religious organization?.
i do and would enjoy a bit of conversation with this (i assume minority) "sub-culture" of ex-jw's.
I know of one my peers when I was going to the KH who got DFd as fairly young adult, but is not a Seventh Day Adventist, they're almost as bad as the Dubs as don't do this and all that, but as long as she's happy. But I just don't get leaving the Dubs and moving into a religion like that, I've read that some folks who grow up in that religion weren't allowed to listen to music on the radio and some of the girls weren't even allowed to wear pants!
i was just wondering if there is any official rules on dealing with this.
a sister in the congregation is planning to divorce her husband who is also a witness so she can marry a different brother in the same hall!
yes this is a huge scandal!
I remember a situation like this way back in the 70's. A pioneer sister and an elder were having an affair, he conducted the watchtower on a Sunday and the letter was read that Thursday at their meeting about the both of them being DFd. They were both married, they got divorced and married and were reinstated.
is there anything that will make that loyal witness ever see the light??
you know, that well respected elder, pioneer, or witness who has been in the “truth “ for decades..
THe only brother in our cong that was anointed when I was growing up has left da troof, he lives not to far from me now and he said he and his wife realized that things just don't add up to what is actually in the Bible, Those are the same words a brother who was an elder when I was growing up and one of the first to get my dad interested in the da troof also walked away saying just about the same thing the other brother from my cong did, plus the fact they both say the same thing about that 607 stuff, it's a bunch of crap, totally made up, makes no sense whatsoever.
hi friends ,.
i just thought i should share with you my entry into the o.b.e.
club on this 5th of july.not everybody makes it and to tell you the truth ,i never thought i would.
Smiddy - You say you want to tell us about your O.B.E status, but you really thought everybody knew what that stands for? Obviously from the responses, so far nobody is sure what the heck you're talking about!
You just proved one my major peeves on social media, all these abbreviations that everybody is supposed to know!!
today is 4th of july in my part of the world- the us- and i was reflecting how we were strongly encouraged when we were still in to go out in the ministry on holidays.
i just mentioned this memory to my husband and we reflected on how cult like this was.
anyone else have thoughts on this?
If my memory serves me right, the only holidays we respected were Christmas and new years eve/day
What congregation did you go to? Are you in U.S., because I remember going out on those days many times with my mother
i knew of a ministerial servant that was called out because he used fire crackers on the 4 th of july.
we had to have an emergency meeting as to his qualifications.
i remember imploring the body to not make a big issue over this and it was decided to just “counsel” him about being involved in a patriotic holiday.🤨.
I'm sure all the Bethelites in Warwick are sorry they're going to miss the Macy's fireworks display this evening, since the barge is going to be right under the Brooklyn Bridge, all they would have to do is just go to the roofs of the various Bethel bldgs, like they always did to watch the the display