Well I'll be the first one to admit that the US has screwed over alot of countries- mainly the Native American Nations, Mexico, and Vietnam. However, what we have done isnt anything new. The Europeans have being screwing each other and their colonies for hundreds of years. I wonder why a vast percentage of Mexicans are Catholic . If the British had gotten there first im sure they would be Protastant. As far a 'glossing over' our history- we do it in the lower grades. When youre making Thanksgiving posters in kindergarden and giving thanks for Squanto saving our asses its a tad bit innapropriate to tell little Johnny that we killed the vast majority of Squanto's relatives. In college America's agressive actions are quite clear. The "Trail of Tears" was in every History book I read. Questions regarding the truthfulness of "Remember the Maine!" are rampant. Andrew Jackson was an Indian killer. So were most of the politicians and Presidents of that time. It was the thing to do! They were "savages"! To be fair though- they were 'savages' when the English were here. The English never stopped and said "hey- you should be nice to those native Americans". They were too busy killing and oppressing the Irish and the rest of their colonies. Shaka Zulu anyone? And about that whole Slavery thing:
All servants imported and brought into the Country. . . who were not Christians in their native Country. . . shall be accounted and be slaves. All Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves within this dominion. . . shall be held to be real estate. If any slave resists his master. . . correcting such slave, and shall happen to be killed in such correction. . . the master shall be free of all punishment. . . as if such accident never happened.
- Virginia General Assembly declaration, 1705 (still British thank you very much)
And something that MUST be pointed out. Many EUROPEANS on this board are pissed off at America for sticking our noses in the world's business. How easily they forget that before WWI and WWII Americans as a whole believed in Isolation. We wanted to be left alone and did not want to deal with Europes CONSTANT WARS. Even after WWI we went into a Period of Isolation. We didnt want to be Involved. But for a SECOND time we were dragged into it. (Granted- there is a good chance we did little to prevent Pearl Harbor. The American people didnt want to be involved in WWII....). After WWII the greater minds in power said "Hey- we are already here, lets stay and prevent this crap from happening again!" By that time the Cold War had started and the rest of the problems and wars we have been in can be directly tired to our conflict with the Soviets. Even our current Middle East problems are directly associated with the Cold war. The Shah of Iran, Afghanistan, etc..etc.. were all Cold war problems that we continue to deal with today.
So remember my fellow Europeans, we were quite content with our own little Hemisphere......
I fail to see how we are "brainwashed". We love our Country. But that is the Country. The Country doesnt attack other countries. The Flag doesnt attack other countires. That is our leadership. And if you look at the polls you will find that 50% hates our current leadership and wants a new one. Hardly "brainwashing". And if its anyone who says "We love American, its the land of oppertunity and freedom," its the countless immigrants who come here for a better life. I dont remember the Irish immigrating to England....I wonder why??