So many of you keep posting in this forum that we protect the abuser not the abused. Is this true?
How do we protect the abuser?
by ???? 104 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Big Tex
It would be one thing if Jehovah's Witnesses didn't want to get involved at all, but it's quite another when the elders demand the child present two eyewitnesses to the abuse and when the child cannot , turn around and forbid the child and their parents from talking to anyone, including the police, for fear of (1) "bringing reproach on Jehovah's name" and (2) slander (since there were no eyewitnesses it must not have happened, ergo anything the child says is a lie).
The Society claims that doesn't happen, and yet I lived it, and I know others who have as well.
If the abused does not have two eye witnesses to being molested, then the abused is ordered to keep quiet about the abuse and is threatened with being disfellowshipped for slander if they do try to warn others.
How many child molesters do you think will allow two people to sit and watch him molest a child?
It is true. The Silentlambs organization was started because of this issue. If you'd like to read some of the experiences people have gone through (there are hundreds), go here:
little witch
gdt, I mean, ????,
Perhaps you should do a study of the watchtower's own literature to answer your questions, rather than take our word for it? or use a cd-rom from the watchtower itself? Why should you believe anything we have to say after all?
Something I lived threw10 years ago in my old congergation :
In my hall their was a young couple with no children that spent a lot of time with another young couple with 2 children ( a 9 year old boy and a 3 year old boy). One day the couple with the children asked them if they could watch their 3 year old. Only the husband was available but he said sure. The boy spent the day with this brother. Later in the week the parents noticed some signs of abuse on their 3 year old boy. This brother was the only one alone with the boy so they went to the elders accusing this brother of abusing their son. The Elder encouraged them to go to the police so they did.
The Brother was arrested spent the night in jail and the next day at the hearing was released on bail until his day in court 8 months later.
Because there was no witnesses to this crime the brother continued to serve as a MS in the congregation. However he was shunned by most including me. Everyone was saying how could he? He should be disfellowshiped? Some were stumbled.
sorry problems posting i will continue
The Brother lost his job and what placed on the suspected child abusers list; he will never be removed from this list even he proved he didn?t do it.
Days before going to court the other boy (the 9 year old) started acting strange. The parents dismissed it because the felt it was because of all the stress they where under. Then later that week he in tears confessed to his teacher that it was him not this brother that abused his fleshly brother.
It never went to court the charges where dropped.
This Brothers life was destroyed. Now he a elder but if he ever is accused of abuse again and theirs no witnesses he will not be able to serve ever again even if the authorities find him not guilty.
The situation you describe, while tragic, is very rare. That is of course if it is even true. There are MANY people here who were abused as children only to see it covered up by the WT.
Dont let one mistake convince you that all the other instances were false.
Big Tex
Not every child who screams "abuse" is lying
Some of us, only wish we were.