They probably thought they were under attack ther for a moment ! HaHa
JoinedPosts by NotaNess
Cable truck hits Kingdom Hall!
by Atlantis in(please delete if already posted). cable truck hits kingdom hall .
email this story to a friend.
What Cars Do You Drive Now?
by JK666 inafter the thread about our first cars, i was wondering what everyone drives now.
i know that roller has the apostatruck, but what does everybody else drive?.
i personally have a pontiac grand prix for work, and a saab convertible for fun.. jk.
As for my car, remember that vette from "Corvette Summer"?
Well it's not mine, but I wish it was...
how was it for you.....
by Iron Rod ini have a question for everyone regarding your personal experience with the brainwashing techniques of the wt.
(its amazing that i can even say that now.
once was a time i would have bristled at the mere suggestion that the society brainwashes people.
Scripture says we all fall short in the eyes of God,..we're never gonna live up to the highest standards of God, we're sinners. I learned this early on in Christianity. Although this is not a license to do whatever you want, it eases the overbearing feelings that you have described here. Some of the great ones in the OT & NT fouled up big time right? As males, you worried about masturbating or not, but God used a cold blooded killer to love others in Christianity.
That's the WTS.
Well - the New Secret Watchtower should arrive pretty soon.....
by AK - Jeff ini hope someone opens a new secret watchtower website with all the pages scanned monthly.
wouldn't that be a hoot?
i forget nowadays - when should the dubs expect that january shipment?
Simon, can we get a Topic Discussion section for just the JW versions of the WT, so that we can go straight to that section and not miss any postings of it if we are away for a period of time?
Pretty Please?
Christmas Is Not Pagan!
by Sarah Smiles insomeone wrote about christmas and i could not find your post to reply!
so here is my reply why i think christmas is not pagan!.
i just read a thread where one of the posters was saying christmas is not pagan.
oops...sorry Susane! (wrong word)
Christmas Is Not Pagan!
by Sarah Smiles insomeone wrote about christmas and i could not find your post to reply!
so here is my reply why i think christmas is not pagan!.
i just read a thread where one of the posters was saying christmas is not pagan.
Sarah Smiles....nice to see you step up and hit home run for the team.
SusaneSmiles...I know of Witnesses who have recently indulged in the luaus.
Wasn't it Paul who was jailed, and while there stated that he took joy in knowing that people were out in the streets pushing the message of Christ and the "Good News" for the wrong reasons, but atleast the people were hearing the news either way.
So no matter how active JWs are against Christians making the Word of God be known, via Christmas, etc...Paul would take joy in it.
So lurking JDubs, would you stand in an argument with Paul over it if he was in front of you? Would you talk about him behind his back about his views on it, would you turn him into the Governing Body?
Home Witnessing, Did you ever eat at a house or apartment when offered?
by NotaNess inever get any invites to come in and eat or get offered breakfast or lunch, and you did it?.
i think of the scripture of jesus telling those that went before him to villages, to "eat what is offered to you".. makes me want to have a bottle of pepperocinis on hand for a witness visit.
Ever get any invites to come in and eat or get offered breakfast or lunch, and you did it?
I think of the scripture of Jesus telling those that went before him to villages, to "eat what is offered to you".
Makes me want to have a bottle of pepperocinis on hand for a witness visit. Of course we know that JW's don't follow the scriptures as much as they claim to, so they wouldn't accept it.
Heres the scenario, as a JW you would have...
by NotaNess inhandled this issue in what way?
im typing from my phone so it all runs together, sorry.
youre a jw and a business owner.
handled this issue in what way? Im typing from my phone so it all runs together, sorry. Youre a JW and a business owner. Do you accept jobs from customers that are Churches, and businesses like Palm/Tarot Readers? Would you do one, but not the other? Would you take on church jobs, but not tarot readers? What was your thinking as a JW and what does the FDS teach?
let me be subtle...I HATE $@#!!%*$# HP
by knock knock inhow many of you have had to send a computer in for repairs?
did you have to wait almost three #$@!
@##$% months to even get any sort of corre-frigging-spondence started?!?
Its been 3 months huh? You could have put $200 away each month by now & purchased a sweet Dell. Then sold your HP when they were done fixing it. I do a lot of graphics on multiple Dells, and never really have any problems. For you MAC lovers, MACS are just a more expensive way to do graphics, with the same results. Save your money, go PC. Avoid PC problems by keeping up with your Anti-virus and spam software, avoid pop-ups, be carefull of software you install, make sure all the things you add to your PC are compatible, dont install things you dont need. Disc defrag regularly, clean out your temp files, etc, etc.
Jehovah's witnesses
by tonerlungs inhi everyone.. i am here to look for others who are disgusted by the watchtower pushers like i used to be.
this cult makes me sick.
my whole family is in this cult and it is ruining my life..
Welcome, and what's the meaning behind your ID "TonerLung"?
Are you in the printing or copying business?