1) You're a crazy nutjob.
2) Well done, and congratulations on achieving your ambition!!
some of you doubted me when i said i was going to do a skydive in las vegas....well i did it!.
i was scared s**tless.
they tell you all the dangers beforehand and its something like 1:50,000 die and 1:1750 have a serious injury.
1) You're a crazy nutjob.
2) Well done, and congratulations on achieving your ambition!!
has anyone ever done that and, should i step in from off the ledge?.
Practice safe sex.....get a webcam.
Still be careful though, those things can really spark when they get wet.
the war is going on and on, and may be awhile before it actually officially ends.. the original reason for invasion was because of weapons of mass destruction, but that has fizzled,.
so why do you think bush was so keen on invading iraq ???.
oil, money, power, helping the iraqi people, ???.
Because that naughty Saddam wanted to rebuild Babylon and that was against Bible prophecy and so Jehovah put hooks into the jaws of George Bush so that we can see the truth of the scripture that "it is impossible for God to lie".
there's a girl in my math class at community college who...omg she is such a hottie.
a babe-alicious babe.. i am very inexperienced in these matters, i guess you could say i'm relationship challenged.. how do i approach her?
she seems to struggle a bit with the material we're covering in class, and it comes pretty easy to me.
There's a girl in my math class
Put on an Aussie accent and ask her if she'd like a square root.
Make sure she's not Australian first though.
i've heard it over and over again in conversations about the us -- "what other country would you rather live in?
" the question is stated in such a fashion as to say that nothing is better than living in the good 'ol us of a.
"what, are you stupid?
The safest country at the moment I think is New Zealand.
Are you kidding? All those hobbits and orcs and balrogs and Uruk Hai and stuff running around? Doesn't look too safe to me!
ah yes, the ?truth?
?and not by the standards of one publishing company in which we all here share something in common with.
as i?ve sat silently for months, browsing this board on occasion, and i still can?t believe there are people here who blind themselves with ?patriotism?
Dr Mary Ruwart offers a sort of "Libertarianism for Dummies" FAQ. She's a bit of a loon, but sums things up in a cheery nutshell. (see the headings "Economics" and "Free Trade")
p.s. the bits I disagree with here are wrong too.
ah yes, the ?truth?
?and not by the standards of one publishing company in which we all here share something in common with.
as i?ve sat silently for months, browsing this board on occasion, and i still can?t believe there are people here who blind themselves with ?patriotism?
The Cato Institute has some interesting stuff:
For economics:
Some of it I don't agree with, so those bits must be wrong.
i've heard it over and over again in conversations about the us -- "what other country would you rather live in?
" the question is stated in such a fashion as to say that nothing is better than living in the good 'ol us of a.
"what, are you stupid?
I do know that a Kilometer is about 3 miles. I know this because I ask questions when I visit other countries who use this instead of miles. I'm glad they were nice enough to take the time to explain it to me instead of implying that I was a "stupid American"
I'm afraid that whoever you asked this question of was a real bastard.
ah yes, the ?truth?
?and not by the standards of one publishing company in which we all here share something in common with.
as i?ve sat silently for months, browsing this board on occasion, and i still can?t believe there are people here who blind themselves with ?patriotism?
OMG Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse were lovers?!?!?! Poor Minnie! No wonder she spent so much time with Pluto.
Aztec, patience is a virtue!
PS: yes, I think that in the grand sweeps of history, the individual is mostly irrelevant. Would the 13 colonies still be under British control if George Washington had choked on a fishbone at 13? If Jesus had died as an infant, would a new religion never have started during that era? I think that those things would have happened anyway, just involving different individuals. Nevertheless, they were the ones, and so credit is due for what they did do.
ah yes, the ?truth?
?and not by the standards of one publishing company in which we all here share something in common with.
as i?ve sat silently for months, browsing this board on occasion, and i still can?t believe there are people here who blind themselves with ?patriotism?
One of the characteristics of Totalitarian regimes is their thirst for more territory. This is because their regimes destroy the economy and resources of the territory they currently control. They therefore need a constant supply of new economic wealth and resources to burn in order to stave off collapse.
For this reason, if the West had not operated a containment strategy of MAD, the tanks of the USSR would have rolled Westwards over Germany and France and Britain just as they formerly did over Czecheslovakia and Hungary.
Gambling that the USSR might somehow spontaneously change into a benign regime would have been recklessly foolhardy.