Ah yes, the ?truth??and not by the standards of one publishing company in which we all here share something in common with.
As I?ve sat silently for months, browsing this board on occasion, and I still can?t believe there are people here who blind themselves with ?patriotism? with the U.S. as they once did with Watch Tower.
Here is a hard fact: The U.S. is one (if not ?THE?) most powerful and richest nations on this planet. It did not rise to this height with total honesty and/or nobility. The U.S. rose to power by a number of methods that included the exploitation and deaths of people around this planet. They also have initiated a number sanctions in it?s history that did not benefit the sanctioned country (nor aided it to ?democracy?), and such sanctions were/are utilized to gain a firmer control of such countries. Sanctions that caused death to hundred of thousands (if not millions) of people. Illegal and Legal arms sales that have caused death to hundred of thousands of people.
This is a FACT some here need to get into there heads. The more you respond with your nobility, justice, and ?The American Way? argument?the more of an idiot you are making yourself into.
There 3 categories of people here:
Those Who Support America and are Content with the Current System.
Those Who Support America and are not Content and Want Change.
Those Who Can Care Less.
I will only address the first category of people; some who sit in complete ignorance and defend the actions of a nation with out question.
Take responsibility for your countries actions. If you sit and type your ?U.S. is #1? and ?we are the greatest??. take responsibility for your support. Quit your whining about ?America Bashing?. Sorry kiddies, your country exploits and kills other fellow human beings around the world, expect to be bashed. Don?t expect that when your country punches somebody in the nose, or pays somebody else to do it for them, that the rest of the world wont retaliate. Be it the U.S. or ANY country!
Now, it has been PROVEN that the U.S. has engaged in actions (presently and historically) that have solely benefited U.S. interests. If this doesn?t sit well with you when you are presented with this, then tough titties, it?s a fact. Your ignorance doesn?t shield you from people who wish to retaliate against the U.S. (and it?s interests) when it shares responsibility in destroying homes, families, and social structures.
Are such people justified when retaliating? I don?t know. But I do know this; they are as justified in retaliation as the U.S. is in its provocation. Again, if you punch somebody in the nose to gain something solely for yourself, don?t expect that the person wont strike back.
I liken it to a schoolyard bully. Sure he pushes and beats some of the kids at times, and at other times he helps those who honor him. That fact is, he is still a bully.
I give America and F in the school of Global Relations.
Because the U.S. and the people who do currently support it?s system, ?don?t work and play well with others?.
Solution? Choice. It?s your choice if you want to change policy in your country. It?s whether you want to do it or not. Get involved with local politics, go and find resources and/or programs that support your view of whatever issue needs to be adjusted. But if you are a person who is content with the system the U.S. has, goes to work, comes home, and does nothing else but?then take the heat and responsibility for your lack of action.
Sure you have your ?Freedom of Speech? in which I support, just remember: If you stick your head in the sand and defend and issue you don?t fully understand or deliberately defend with ignorance, you are making yourself look like an idiot.