I used the word “unrestrained lust” and also implied misplaced lust as shown in Titanic movie
JoinedPosts by iconoclastic
A ship (no matter how big) will ultimately sink if it has a hole
by iconoclastic inhumanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc.
which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what science could accomplish!
most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th centurymay be with the commercial transmission of electricity!
A ship (no matter how big) will ultimately sink if it has a hole
by iconoclastic inhumanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc.
which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what science could accomplish!
most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th centurymay be with the commercial transmission of electricity!
Humanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust, greed etc. which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming what Science could accomplish!
Most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started from 19th century—may be with the commercial transmission of electricity! Thus many scientific equipments were invented which added to the comfort and convenience of humans who should have got more spare time now as much of the things they used to do manually are now done by machines in far greater speed and quantity. Yet most humans are busier and suffering from tension than ever always complaining about shortage of time. (Thus situation is comparable to a businessman who makes $1000 daily, yet unwittingly causes a liability of $2000 daily.)
See what unrestrained lust has done. In 1927 world population was just two billion, and it increased to seven billion in 2012 (in less than a century), thus most of the good contributions of Science exist as though they were never invented.
Look at the way the Titanic film was made, it is the reproduction of a great maritime disaster that happened in 20th C, yet its producers included a love-making scene which exposes the lust (of two people who are not married to each other) just before the disaster—something that never happened in the actual history.
This explains how the scriptures were also corrupted. Scriptures were originally written to show how the Law of Cause and Consequences works. Then it was interpolators’ turn to add Krishna having many wives, Solomon having many wives and concubines, David having many wives, concubines and further murdering his faithful servant to snatch his beautiful to add to his harem, still escaping death punishment, all of which presents a God who is evolving to the human standard.
Entertainment industry thrives on filling the movies with lust, greed and violence, which people copy later in their lives. Some of the high profile terrorist attack had its precedence in movies.
Interestingly, Einstein indirectly admitted that only an agency superior to humans can solve our problems: "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Jesus was historical, and inspired too!
by iconoclastic injesus said something that only our generation could provide an avalanche of proof.
he said: it is easier for a camel to get through a needles eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of god.
(mathew 19:24).
I am practising most of the things you mentioned. I go even further, eat only two times a day (with nothing in between), abstain from all types of processed foods. I use mostly bicycle when alone even up to 10 km, and car only with the family and so on.
Jesus was historical, and inspired too!
by iconoclastic injesus said something that only our generation could provide an avalanche of proof.
he said: it is easier for a camel to get through a needles eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of god.
(mathew 19:24).
I do not harbor any “serious bitterness for the wealthy.” I have worked under some of the billionairs—one of them was very humane, whereas others were very mean, treating fellow humans as mere objects.
Here the point is not about how I view the wealthy, but why did Jesus say they will not inherit the kingdom of God? I do not think Jesus was expecting us to interpret what he said and to arrive at conclusion just opposite to what he had in mind. He meant what he said, and reason is most of the wealthy fail to treat the fellow humans as fellow humans.
Jesus was historical, and inspired too!
by iconoclastic injesus said something that only our generation could provide an avalanche of proof.
he said: it is easier for a camel to get through a needles eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of god.
(mathew 19:24).
To see the fulfillment of what Jesus said, I do not have to be a high-profile scholar. Just common sense is enough. I remember seeing a picture published in many news papers during Vietnam War—half of it showing the hapless victims who lost all their properties and became physically disabled, and the other half of the picture showing the bungalow and paradaisic surroundings of the owner of the Dow chemicals that supplied napalm bombs. This shows in most cases one can become materially rich at the expense of other’s suffering, hence rich man is convertible with disregard for others’ wellbeing, hence will have to be in the hell he himself creates for him and others (which means: disregard will never brings joy, hence gives hell, whereas regard and care for others make one feel as if he lives in heaven).
Jesus was historical, and inspired too!
by iconoclastic injesus said something that only our generation could provide an avalanche of proof.
he said: it is easier for a camel to get through a needles eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of god.
(mathew 19:24).
Which generation does not matter, what I said: our generation provides “avalanche of proof” which means other generation too provides proof, but not in the quantity of our generation.
Jesus was historical, and inspired too!
by iconoclastic injesus said something that only our generation could provide an avalanche of proof.
he said: it is easier for a camel to get through a needles eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of god.
(mathew 19:24).
Jesus said something that only our generation could provide an avalanche of proof. He said: “It is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God.” (Mathew 19:24)
Our generation has produced more number of rich people! Look at what they are doing and their attitude.
1) They filled the earth with arms and ammunitions;
2) They polluted the land we reside in, water we drink, and air we breathe—bringing climate change, sea-level rise, increasing number of diseases, natural calamities, wars …
3) They produce processed food and make us pay for eating their (false) food which fills our stomach with wastages and toxins which provide a fertile environment for disease causing organisms to multiply, inviting diseases.
Action and attitude of the rich is that ‘we are determined to create hell for ourselves and others’ (like the one who tries to cut the very branch he sits on). Degree of, or intensity of fulfillment of Jesus’ words is so overwhelming that it even neutralized another verse of Jesus: “Foxes have dens and birds of heaven have roosts, but Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head.” (Mathew 8:20) Look at the way the rich have created concrete jungles with skyscrapers in such a way that sons of men have place everywhere to lay down their head, but foxes and birds have less and less places to lay their heads (deforestation destroys the forest as big as Great Britain in a year)
Homo sapiens is also missing (let alone the missing links in between)
by iconoclastic inthe word sapiens (from latin, meaning wise) when applied to humans as final evolute, it is understood that humans manifest wisdom in their day-to-day living.
one of the features of being wise (which means having/showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment) is about replacing wastages with something better.
is this being done with regard to many of the greater aspects of our lives?.
Religions are like drainage (as they all teach to seek material blessings from God), hence are convertible with materialism, but spirituality without religions is like pure water body. You people have only seen drainage. Then you moved to evolution theory which is also materialism, hence not a pure water body. But the difference is that one who knows where the pure water body is will always be sympathetic to those who belittle him! In contrast to the one who thinks that he is this body and gets affected by every external happening, one with true vision faces difficult situations with balance and gracefulness. True vision means having a comprehensive view, seeing the immaterial reality behind this material and temporary body! That immaterial reality is where thinking, discriminating and recording take place, and those faculties (mind, intellect and sub-conscious mind) belong to soul. That means it is in soul that all knowing and experiencing take place. In other words, experience exists in the experiencer. If one remembers this fact, then no experience would grow more important than the experiencer at any time. This view enables one to position himself ABOVE the experiences which help him to view all experiences (pleasant or unpleasant) as road traffic being viewed from a building top, remaining totally unaffected. Even in a tragic event, people with this true vision will look for any lesson to be learned from it and move forward totally unaffected.
Homo sapiens is also missing (let alone the missing links in between)
by iconoclastic inthe word sapiens (from latin, meaning wise) when applied to humans as final evolute, it is understood that humans manifest wisdom in their day-to-day living.
one of the features of being wise (which means having/showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment) is about replacing wastages with something better.
is this being done with regard to many of the greater aspects of our lives?.
Many a time people shape their views unconsciously. Persons who come out work on their views consciously. If your focus is scattered by what you consider is `you' and `yours' (your house, car, wife, child, pet, education, position and power….) then, what you call yourself is what is spread around you. Right now, you're not an established being; you are a scattered being. You are not you; you are a crowd. In this situation, you see with the crown.
Once you act as an individual (from Latin, indivisible), the indivisible Self, can no longer be divided. Once you become a true individual, you begin to see things differently—things as they are!
Homo sapiens is also missing (let alone the missing links in between)
by iconoclastic inthe word sapiens (from latin, meaning wise) when applied to humans as final evolute, it is understood that humans manifest wisdom in their day-to-day living.
one of the features of being wise (which means having/showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment) is about replacing wastages with something better.
is this being done with regard to many of the greater aspects of our lives?.
The Rebel
Look at the forest rather than trees. Have a nice day!