Dear Morpheus
I have already answered to this question when Bonsai asked the same to me a few days ago
[BK BS removed]
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
I have already answered to this question when Bonsai asked the same to me a few days ago
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
When I touch your greatest problem ('when you heard the first reports on the radio about the Asian tsunami' your faith in the existence of God evaporated), you feel uneasy with my background (not with my reasoning). If not now, you can think of my reasoning later, or dismiss the idea totally. What is the use dismissing me which is a validation of disfellowshipping practice of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Face opposing views philosophically, with majesty (not with muscle power).
when i was working in a shipping company, captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary.
there i was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy.
with me he became very comfortable, and talkative.
You said: “Hard to believe that breathing through your anus will make you feel energized.”
You got it wrongly. It is not about “breathing through you anus.” It seems you did not read what I wrote “like horses do.” [Some sages in Himalayas developed this just by looking at what horses do—and we know horses are known for its power, even though they are purely vegetarians]
You only contract your anus muscles as shown in this link ( Tenth time when you breath out, you do it forcefully or blow it out through your mouth (not through anus).
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
People become atheists for superficial reasons such as having no satisfactory answer for the question: why God does not stop evil? This is like concluding there is no barber because I saw a man with a beard. Such reasoning may seem good like that of an innocent person who declares: “I like moon because it gives me light when we have darkness. But I don’t like sun, because it comes when I am already in light.”
Evil should exist if people choose for it. If we take meaning of certain words in ancient languages such as Sanskrit, it shows that system was perfect on earth when humans’ thinking was perfect. The very word for soul is atma (literally means “I am without darkness”) figuratively means “I am without ego” as I am a light of knowledge, minuter than the minutest, yet unlimited in qualities. From this word came the Greek word atom which found its way into English too. The same concept can be seen in the word individual (from Latin, indivisible) which also suggests the concept of soul being minuter than the minutest, hence not perceptible to the physical senses or equipments. Hence all these words hint at the concept that we are souls which is like a driver of this physical body. If our body is enlarged, it would look like a literal kingdom with soul as its king (just like universe and God as its king)
Indian system says the first half of the history was of humans who lived like gods, and that sysem grew to the size of a population was 333.33 million. During this period there was no evil, no suffering. Because system was this: key to happiness is to do good to yourself and others. When you become egoistic, you think of doing good to yourself and your dear ones which would often mean you would have to hurt others. This is what evil means. When evil appears, suffering ensues. It will be reflected in the nature also. So now is the second half of the time cycle where you find evil existing, and God doing nothing about. God’s rule is to recreate heaven on earth whenever humans reconvert it into hell and make life extremely difficult for others to live. What is the proof? Again a word in ancient language—aaram which means rest. It is a combination of two words aa = come + ram = god which means the world will have real peace only when God comes.
so if the big a is so very very close, why cut back on expenses??.
surely you would spend up big....because there is no point saving the funds for use after the big a right??.
ezekial 7:19 says that "gold and silver will be useless and thrown in the streets".
when i was working in a shipping company, captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary.
there i was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy.
with me he became very comfortable, and talkative.
Before you call it crazy, is it not bettr first experiment it?
here is a link that gives you details:
when i was working in a shipping company, captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary.
there i was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy.
with me he became very comfortable, and talkative.
when i was working in a shipping company, captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary.
there i was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy.
with me he became very comfortable, and talkative.
When I was working in a shipping company, Captain invited me to his house for his wedding anniversary. There I was attracted to his father (aged around 80) who seemed to be very healthy. With me he became very comfortable, and talkative. When I asked him about the secret of his health, he explained about his simple diet and some simple physical exercises. Two of them I found exceptionally good, and were giving me instant benefit.
If you don’t get
You take a deep breath through your nose for four seconds.
You hold your breath in for 7 seconds.
You then forcefully exhale through your mouth for eight seconds.
Repeat the process 4-6 times.
2) If you feel tired, and feel instant energy
Stand at ease, with legs a feet apart
Contract your anus muscles (like horses do) gently upward 10 times with each breathing in, and release the muscles with each breathing out.
At the tenth time when you contract your anus muscle and breathe in, simultaneously raise your tongue and make it’s tip touch the upper palate, and hold it for a few seconds, and blow it out forcefully.
(repeat the process for 2-3 times).
You feel refreshed instantly as you are taking the vital energy from your genital area, and evenly spreading it throughout your body.
I did not look for any scientific basis for what he said, I just practiced it. To my amazement, I found what he said was true. Since then, I never take things like tea, coffee or any soft drinks to refresh myself.
This made me realize that there are things that we cannot perceive with our sense. (Phil 4:7)
neither, can be proven only to the believer can they exist.
we could therefore say that a persons feelings on god and love are simply chemical reactions produced by the brain.
however what i find interesting is that if a certain part of a persons brain gets damaged their personalities and emotions can radically change.. the rebel..
Is there any scientific evidence that love ...exist?
In the case of majority, love doesn’t exist. The days of wine and roses soon devolve into days of whine and neuroses! Relationships are breaking down at an alarming rate. The `love' people in general declare is actually selfishness. People only love themselves. The child or spouse caters to you so you say you love them. When they no longer cater to your demands, love ceases.
Yet as an exception, love exists in very few people. I have experienced a real help from somebody who did not want anybody else to know about. This love is the reflection of the greater love we call God from whom all good qualities flow. This is not a dogmatic view—it’s my experience.
Our experience is that one thing leads to another. Whether an observer should acknowledge it or not matters not. A boulder rolls down a hill. A man stops it and holds it midway. If he takes his hands off, it will roll down again. Here, nothing is moving; yet, something is happening. The man holding the boulder from sliding is an event that is happening. Of course, no change is manifest. Yet,s omething is going on. Cards arranged as a pyramid are still. But a lot is still taking place. Forces act in various directions,n ullifying each other. It is a passive event. Antarctica is mostly still, which is the effect of the equilibrium of the underlying forces heat, gravity, etc and not absolute or independent. Few perceptible changes, yet many imperceptible forces. Ergo, an event may not involve a change perceptible to us. At times, nothing changes, yet an event may be taking place, passively. How does one know there is an event going on when it is passive? Develop senses. Develop devices. Do whatever. But be less sure while saying nothing is going on or a Heavenly Daddy does’nt exist just because it/He is imperceptible. Events have always happened as an unbroken cause: as an effect chain, not always perceptible, from time zero. Perceptibility is but one not the only norm by which to conclude something happened or somebody exists. Eyes of understanding can perceive what is not perceived by the senses.
from a recent reddit thread:.
i just received confirmation from a very trusted source in south africa bethel that up to 500 "families" (i imagine couples or singles) are getting let go from that branch.. also confirmed is the special pioneer cull.. what really strikes me about the layoffs is that the south african bethel provides literature and other needs for most of africa, a huge growth area for the org.. .
WT is fading--the inevitable has to happen. Luke 14:9 has to be fulfilled: "Give this person your seat.' Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place."
WT came on to the world scene uninvited.