JoinedPosts by iconoclastic
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
What I said is an observed phenomenon—in same circumstances not all fall sick, yet some do succumb. Recent example, some nurses who treated Ebola patients died of Ebola—yet many other nurses did not. When I observed the same in the shipping company I worked, I wanted to know more about this, and attended a Community Education Course conducted by BASTYAR UNIVERSITY, Washington. (http://www.bastyr.edu/) Interestingly, there were many physicians and scientists, along with me, attending the same. There is nothing wrong in going out of the conventional belief systems. It thrills me.
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
“Something like 6 out of 10 fertilized eggs are spontaneously aborted in the first 1 - 9 weeks” will not come under the willful abortion, and God is not responsible for what happens here after rejecting His rule.
You may have noticed that not all who are exposed to bacteria and viruses fall sick. People whose immunity is weak, and whose bodies are flooded with wastes and toxins provide fertile ground for bacteria and viruses to thrive, hence fall sick. Here too God is not responsible (because he have a perfect start, people chose to go in opposite direction. -
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
Dear jwfacts
Good observation.
When I finished studying with JWs, they told me to have a practice of reading the Bible daily. I did so, but had to stop at Jeremiah where he admits that much of the Bible is not inspired. (Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8)
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
Dear SecretSlaveClass
Regarding Isaiah 49:15, you are free to use more appropriate term than the one I used. The point I wanted to highlight is that Bible writer obviously did not discern such a global situation where around 50 million mothers going for killing the lives growing in their wombs.
It is not at random that I picked up this subject of abortion. My wife runs a Fertility Hospital where she is also serving as the MD. How happy and accomplished she and her staff feel when they finally succeed in helping a childless couple to have one, and they enjoy a success rate of 7 out of 10. Ironically, opposite to her hospital there is a clinic specialized for abortion. They have more business, and make enormous money too.
Thus when I am caught up between ironies, I may sound strange in my wording, which I will try to decrease in the future.
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
Dear SecretSlaveClass
I agree with you that in many wars there were civilian casualties, and there might have been civilians ALSO who were targeted. In other words, in wars, civilians are also killed.
But a war that is targeting the innocent is what terrorism is, as being practiced now. And in terrorism, defense personnel too may be killed but not as prime target (just as civilians are also killed in the normal war not as prime target).
This is what I said as the marked difference! Casualty may be less than that of world wars, but threat perception the terrorism has created is more than that of all those normal wars. Everyone on the earth lives in fear now. Even the President of the sole Super Power should sleep is determined by them—He needs a no-fly zone above his residence even when he visits other countries). Travel has become extremely difficult even for the former president of the largest democracy in the world. (http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Former-President-APJ-Abdul-Kalam-frisked-twice-in-US/articleshow/10714158.cms)
Elusive happiness teaches a hidden truth!
by iconoclastic inmany seek happiness externally and many a time assign others the possession of their happiness.
when they derive a sort of happiness from external sources, they dont feel satisfied, hence jump to the next and then to the next .... in contrast, jesus said gods kingdom (or real happiness) is within (entos) you.
this cannot be misinterpreted as jesus being the king of the kingdom was amidst them as jws do.
The Rebel,
Nicely put!
That’s all what I wanted to convey. Many feel that ‘If I reach there, I will be happy’—but truth is that you can be happy even now, whatever you do, do it with 100% involvement. Like in Examination Hall, 3-hours will pass like three minute. In ego there is no peace—and ego is just a thought which can easily be overcome or done away with if one wants to.
Have a great day!
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
Dear CoftyWhoever contributes to global warming, terrorism, abortion as a birth-control means, sexual abuse, molestation or anything like that you may cite will reap appropriate consequence—I agree with you. Everyone is free to do what he likes, but no one is free to evade its consequences (Galatians 6:7)
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
Dear Ruby456,
The category of women undergoing abortion for the reasons cited by you could be very few in number, and they are exceptions. At this time of what is called Information Age, a number of that size (which is more than double the size of Australia’s population) is inexcusable. What if we add the case of abortions that go unreported?
Major events that Bible did not foretell!
by iconoclastic injws feel that their strength lies in the power of bible to foretell.
however, an impartial analysis would show that bibles prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its propheciesespecially those that are very much needed for what it calls last days.
to mention a few:.
JWs feel that their strength lies in the power of Bible to foretell. However, an impartial analysis would show that Bible’s prophecies are too general, and yet some of the major developments in the world scene were not figured in its prophecies—especially those that are very much needed for what it calls “Last Days.” To mention a few:
1) Talking about the end of the world has been the work of religious people so far. But now it is also done by Government Agencies: “NASA WARNS NOTHING CAN STOP DANGEROUS SEA LEVEL RISE.” (http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0002383837, 31/8/2015) “Ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are melting faster than ever, and oceans are warming and expanding much more rapidly than they have in years past. Right now we have committed to probably more than three feet [one meter] of sea level rise… there is no reason to expect that ice sheets will melt at the same pace as they did in the past. According to the laws of physics, they will deteriorate faster. And they already are.” (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/08/27/world/science-health-world/ice-sheets-thaw-speed-sea-level-rise-threatening-florida-tokyo-pacific-isles-nasa-scientists/#.VhtjMNKqqko) “In 2013, global CO2 emissions due to fossil fuel use (and cement production) were 36 gigatonnes (36000000000 metric tons); this is 61% higher than 1990 (the Kyoto Protocol reference year) and 2.3% higher than 2012” (http://co2now.org/Current-CO2/CO2-Now/global-carbon-emissions.html) Situation is likely to continue to worsen as religious leaders and politicians are dependent on the money business people donate to them.
2) Targeting the innocent people who are in no way connected with conflicted parties is a marked departure from conventional war-pattern, and it goes on increasing globally despite the combined effort of virtually all world governments. (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/wrost-year-global-terrorism-2014-article-1.2130490) This too Bible did not foresee.
3) Interestingly, there is a prophecy that backfired on the Bible. “Never. Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you.” (Isaiah 49:15) Here a mother forsaking her child is spoken as an exception that may happen too rarely. According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. (http://www.worldometers.info/abortions/) No war has killed that many innocent lives in a year. Yet this happens every year, in this part of the history.