In 1987 Herbert Benson, M.D., Professor of Medicine at
Harvard Medical School foretold: “a day will come, through meditation you can
set the stage for important mind-and habit-altering brain change.” (Your Maximum Mind, Random House, New
York) He gave the reasons: “Over the years you develop ’circuits and channels’
of thought in your brain. These are physical pathways which control the way you
think, the way you act, and often the way you feel. Many times, these pathways
or habits become so fixed that they turn into what I call “wiring”. In other
words, circuits or channels become so deeply ingrained that it seems almost impossible
to transform. But there are approximately 100 billion nerve cells in the brain,
and each of these communicates with the others through connections called
synapses. The total number of possible connections is
25,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (which means if you make a book with
that many number of sheets, the pile of paper would be approximately 16 billion
light years high—stretching beyond the limits of known universe). Therefore the
brain’s potential for forming new pathways—and thus new habits of thoughts and behavior—is
practically unlimited. This means if you resolve to lead a sweet and royal life
(or a spiritual life) from this moment—it is possible (unlike the Bible writer
who wrote “the good that I wish I do not do, but the bad I do not wish what I
do.” )
Now Herbert Benson’s scientific prophecy has come true:;
Hence prophecy is not unique to the Bible writers. In fact,
many of its prophecies are too general, or too vague, or not fulfilled, or
fulfilled in the opposite direction. Because as Jeremiah himself admits many of
Bible verses are not inspired.—Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8
Prophecies (made by science or Bible) may or may not find fulfilments, hence cannot be taken as proof of God's backing.