Humanity is like a ship, and holes are our hobbies (lust,
greed etc. which are fondly renamed as each one likes) which always have been outperforming
what Science could accomplish!
Most of the greater or significant scientific achievements started
from 19th century—may be with the commercial transmission of
electricity! Thus many scientific
equipments were invented which added to the comfort and convenience of humans
who should have got more spare time now as much of the things they used to do
manually are now done by machines in far greater speed and quantity. Yet most
humans are busier and suffering from tension than ever always complaining about
shortage of time. (Thus situation is comparable to a businessman who makes
$1000 daily, yet unwittingly causes a liability of $2000 daily.)
See what unrestrained lust has done. In 1927 world
population was just two billion, and it increased to seven billion in 2012 (in
less than a century), thus most of the good contributions of Science exist as
though they were never invented.
Look at the way the Titanic
film was made, it is the reproduction of a great maritime disaster that
happened in 20th C, yet its producers included a love-making scene which
exposes the lust (of two people who are not married to each other) just before
the disaster—something that never happened in the actual history.
This explains how the scriptures were also corrupted.
Scriptures were originally written to show how the Law of Cause and
Consequences works. Then it was interpolators’ turn to add Krishna having many
wives, Solomon having many wives and concubines, David having many wives,
concubines and further murdering his faithful servant to snatch his beautiful
to add to his harem, still escaping death punishment, all of which presents a
God who is evolving to the human standard.
Entertainment industry thrives on filling the movies with
lust, greed and violence, which people copy later in their lives. Some of the
high profile terrorist attack had its precedence in movies.
Interestingly, Einstein indirectly admitted that only an
agency superior to humans can solve our problems:
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness
that created it.”