I knew several pioneers who were very bright and could have gone on to college but decided to go into cleaing or delivering newspapers so that they could pioneer. Most of those that I knew were pretty happy doing it.
I do know one couple an elder that has been cleaing for about 20 years and his wife that lived in the basement apartment of the kingdom hall for several years. Because it has been decided that paying rent to the hall means the congregation would have to pay income taxes they were kicked out of the hall. Because they have little money (both pioneering...no kids, but they don't have any other marketable skills besides cleaning and waitressing) they spend part of the time living in a camper trailer (with no heat) at the wife's mother's house.
I wonder how blessed they feel now. I feel sorry for them, they got dumped out of the hall because the WTS has deemed they are above paying taxes. Why can't they just let them live there for free?