JoinedTopics Started by Eyebrow
conviction upheld
by Eyebrow in.
conviction upheld in nh!.
an answer to the mideast dilema
by Eyebrow inhttp://www.theonion.com/onion3816/god_re-floods_middle_east.html .
hmmmm not a bad idea at all
Did Adam and Jesus have six pack abs?
by Eyebrow indid eve and adam have bellybuttons?.
did adam have nipples?.
just a few questions the bible cannot answer.
What if I don't agree with Jesus?
by Eyebrow inlet's say that one believes jesus was god's son, and that he was perfect, etc.. well, what about this: what if you don't agree with jesus, or god on many things.. i have never thought about that before.
what is your take?
What do you know about Unitarian Universalist?
by Eyebrow ini have read on their website that then are a noncreed religion, and welcome all sorts of views and that they encourage their members to be active in community and charities, etc,.
what do you guys know about this church?
i was thinking about checking one of the churches out around here.
Got the XBox tonight!!!
by Eyebrow in...and i gotta say it was well worth the money and the wait!!!.
i guess we should have used the money to pay bills...but you have to splurge once in a while.
i play nascar heat and caused about 34 wrecks...very neat game.. and to think if i was a jw still i would have been sitting in the book group instead of taking out dale jarrett and kevin harvick.. what a shame!
What books have shaped your affected you?
by Eyebrow inin another post i mentioned job a comedy of justice by robert heinlien.
the responses to the post got me thinking about other books that have affected me.
what books have had an impact on your life?
Have you read this book?
by Eyebrow inabout three years ago my future husband suggested i read a book by robert heilein called, job: a comedy of justice".
i reccommend this book to everyone and anyone that has been in any religion.
it is quite an amusing, but disturbing story about a minister that keeps being put into different lives.
I may have made a bad mistake
by Eyebrow inan old friend of the family stopped by my house last night.
i had not seen him for about two years.
he was disfellowhispped about 3 or 4 years ago, but would drop in every now and ask me business related questions.