Amen! to what JG and Mouthy said, It's all about JESUS.
Posts by Kirk
A question for the Christians.
by BurnTheShips ini think that for christians there are two ways of viewing the religious history of the world.. 1) that god has always tried to reveal himself to all peoples, and that people have understood him imperfectly at different times, until he revealed himself perfectly in his son.
all religions have prophecies that point to similar ideas about god because he has tried to speak to them and they have tried to seek him.
the human spirit is designed to seek certain symbolic ways of representing the divine, and, while god has placed limits on these to avoid us worshipping the representation instead of the reality, common religious rituals and symbolism can be understood by looking at the psychology of the human mind that god created in all of us.. 2) (the basic jw view) that god only ever spoke to moses, jesus, st paul etc.
How many religions have ONLY YHWH as God ?
by JH inlets say a ex-jw wants to find another religion, but still believes that only yhwh is god and only he should be adored, which religions can he turn to ?.
most, if not all, so called christian religions pray to jesus and adore him, or put jesus on the same level as jehovah..
A JW or anyone else for that matter, who believes in the one YHWH, does not need to look for a religion. One could just read the book inspired by YHWH himself. If read with the true intent to understand it and with the true desire to know YHWH, one will see that he has no interest in religion. He does however have much to say about his son Jesus. I would suggest that one start with the new testament, it may be revealing as to why, as you say "so called" christians (followers of Christ) honor him just as they honor the father.
Jehovah invented the sword, according to Genesis.
by marmot inso much for a loving god if you're a bible apologist and take genesis literally.
"after he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the garden of eden cherubim and a *flaming sword* flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
" genesis 3:24 niv .
The idea that the human race began in the year 4026 BC sounds like just another fabrication from the watchtower. Maybe it stems from CT Russell's calculations that he got from measuring the opening of the Great Pyramid ? You sure don't get that date from reading the Bible. 4026 would be just another in a long list of missed dates or ( False prophecies). If they were truly God's mouthpiece as they claim, there would be no missed dates no mistakes and no need for "new light". that date is a teaching of a group of men who are clearly more interested in people following them than in people following God, maybe there is a reason why all prophecy in the Bible is 100% accurate and the WTs is well, 100% not.
Jehovah invented the sword, according to Genesis.
by marmot inso much for a loving god if you're a bible apologist and take genesis literally.
"after he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the garden of eden cherubim and a *flaming sword* flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
" genesis 3:24 niv .
Exodus 15:3 Says the LORD is a warrior: literally YHWH or Yahwey is a warrior. Also King David the one known as a man after God's own heart was yup, you guessed it a warrior. So I am just wondering, does that mean that God is unloving ? Is it not loving to combat evil? If God nor anybody else did what would this place be like ? Hell maybe? About the sword though, that is interesting I never thought about that being the first weapon ever mentioned. good catch.
New Light Scripture - Help for my debate
by skeeter1 ini remember seeing a post about how the "new light" scripture was taken out of context.
i can't find it.
i'm in a debate with a relative.. also, noah didn't need new light.
I am not sure how to reply to that, What do you mean ? Are there scriptures thet don't want to see ?
New Light Scripture - Help for my debate
by skeeter1 ini remember seeing a post about how the "new light" scripture was taken out of context.
i can't find it.
i'm in a debate with a relative.. also, noah didn't need new light.
Hi Skeeter1,
Here are a couple things the Bible has to say about the light, aka Jesus. John 1:9 The true light that gives light to EVERY man was coming in to the world. Also John 8:12 Jesus said " I am the LIGHT of the world whoever follows me will NEVER walk in darkness but will have the light of life. I think he also Said he is the way the TRUTH and the life a couple years before the wtb&s did.