New Light Scripture - Help for my debate

by skeeter1 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skeeter1

    I remember seeing a post about how the "New Light" scripture was taken out of context. I can't find it. Please help. I'm in a debate with a relative.

    Also, Noah didn't need new light. Moses didn't need New Light. Jesus didn't need New Light. Help with any other bible characters who did not need New Light.



  • Shawn10538

    There is a great section on that scripture in Don Cameron's book, Captives of a Concept. Roughly, what it points out is that the context of the scripture does not support the way JWs use it. It was not intending to establish a rule by which God would always hold himself to in relation to the way he reveals truth. The topic of the scripture is, in fact, NOT "Truth." It is just a general statement about the SUNRISE that may have some philosophical application, but no one thing is offered by the Bible as an example of a thing that gets brighter and brighter until the day is firmly established except for LIGHT itself, which as the sun rises, happens to get brighter and brighter until that day is firmly established...AT NOON. OK, I'm not sure which part of the preceding is from Cameron and which part is from me, but anyway, there it is.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Just read the scripture for yourself and you can see that it does not pertain to prophecy. Prov. 4:18 Now if you want a lil chuckle keep reading verse 19 and tell me which of the 2 better fits the dubs.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    (Proverbs 4:18) 18 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.

    Taken in context that's:

    (Proverbs 4:14-19) 14 Into the path of the wicked ones do not enter, and do not walk straight on into the way of the bad ones. 15 Shun it, do not pass along by it; turn aside from it, and pass along. 16 For they do not sleep unless they do badness, and their sleep has been snatched away unless they cause someone to stumble. 17 For they have fed themselves with the bread of wickedness, and the wine of acts of violence is what they drink. 18 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. 19 The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom; they have not known at what they keep stumbling.

    It's not talking about laws or prophecies or teachings. It's talking about your lifestyle. Just like the rest of Proverbs.

    The scripture claims that if you are righteous, your life will just get better and better until it's as bright as day. (The future's so bright I've gotta wear shades.)

    Heck, let's just pretend that this scripture IS talking about teachings: It says that it's as the light of day.

    Last I checked, the Earth was in a pretty stable orbit. It would be pretty strange if the sun started to come up, then went back down a bit, then came up again in a different spot and stopped, only to swoop back around to where it was again before finally going right back down where it was.

    The WTS teachings don't get progressively brighter, they bounce back and forth. One year organ transplants are fine, then they are cannibalism, then they are fine again. That's not a steady progression to brighter and brighter doctrine.

    So even if that scripture taken in their twisted way, it doesn't apply to the flip-flopping they've been doing for the past 100+ years.

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

  • Kirk

    Hi Skeeter1,

    Here are a couple things the Bible has to say about the light, aka Jesus. John 1:9 The true light that gives light to EVERY man was coming in to the world. Also John 8:12 Jesus said " I am the LIGHT of the world whoever follows me will NEVER walk in darkness but will have the light of life. I think he also Said he is the way the TRUTH and the life a couple years before the wtb&s did.


  • freetosee

    Welcome Kirk!

    Those are fine scriptures to mention to a jw!


  • Kirk


    I am not sure how to reply to that, What do you mean ? Are there scriptures thet don't want to see ?

  • sir82

    Another angle:

    Isn't the idea that "the light gets brighter" as time goes on? How is that consistent with:

    -- Used to believe that the heavenly calling ended in 1935, now "the Bible does not say"

    -- Used to believe that any and all blood fractions were to be avoided, now "we cannot say" - it's a conscience matter

    -- Used to believe the King of the North was the USSR, now "we don't know"

    -- Used to believe that the "first resurrection" began in 1918, now it is merely "an interesting possibility"

    And so on. Seems like things are getting muddier, not clearer!

  • blondie
  • freetosee

    jws do read the scriptures you posted, but not in the context and with that emphasis.
    Jws focus mainly on a few key-scriptures which support the wt teaching.
    So I think your scriptures can be very helpful when discussing the New Light Scripture.

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