It's impossible to offend me, Alpha- but easy to get me heated when scripture is abused! A free-for-all Bible Study online would be GREAT! The BIG question is HOW- and HOW to avoid all the Non-Serious?
It's hard to keep track of all these postings, so if I miis replying to you, e-me at: [email protected] , please!
Keeping track is easier if you click on the link at the top marked "active topics". You can always click on your name at the top left of the screen, then click on "post history" - that way you can see if people have replied you any threads that you are actively involved in. BIBLE STUDY - Do it online... here... People here are serious about this subject, but they also know when to "switch it off" and relax and have a joke with each other. Sometimes it gets a bit confusing as it is hard to convey sarcasm or humour when typing brief replies. You will find some excellent scholars on here, some well versed in Hebrew and Greek, some with a fantastic knowledge of Watchtower History, some with an intimate knowledge of the workings of WatchtowerLand (from first hand experience) etc etc. We are all truthseekers here in one way or another. Right that's the JWD advert over with... TOPICS... How about we pick something with room to manoeuvre on both sides. Do you have any subjects that you are uncertain of or areas that you want to discuss?