welcome becky!
JoinedPosts by bluebell
Say Hi to MrsRoller!
by mrsroller inmy name is becky aka mrsroller.
i call myself that because the notorious rollerdave is my hubby.
i met dave when he was in his early thirties and it had only been a few years since he had left the jw's.
Noah picture exclusives
by KW13 inwell i just realised how terrified i look holdin' him, and i was terrified!
didnt want to break the new baby!!
btw havent forgotten other topic, meg and i will look at that later.. megan had a long long labour, the induction took aaaaaaaages but things suddenly sped up at 15:00pm and by 16:45 he was out.
glad your family is all safe and sound. You got to sleep? wow, sounds like a good baby, wonder how long that will last? My mom says i used to sleep all the time, right through meetings and everything so i was very easy to look after. Mind you it carried on into adulthood - I love my sleep!
Did you lead a double life as a JW? Are you leading a double life still?
by Bumble Bee inas a jw, alot of us lead double lives.
i know i did.. in talking about our situations with my sister in law, realized that i now lead a double life as a "fader"!!!
my husband and i are "out" of the religion (my brother, sister in law and the kids too) but for the sake of family, they think we are still "in" although they know we are not active.
Not as such, i was embarrassed to be a witness and would avoid the subject but if it came up I would say I'm one. And as for the witnesses themselves - I was totally upfront that I liked to go out to "clubs" but I did also say that I was into alternative/indie and that if you turned up wearing a skirt and heels rather than doc martins and jeans people thought you were odd, I also told dubs truthfully that I went to dance and didn't mix with anyone but the other dubs that I went with. But I was still bad association. Should have just kept my mouth shut and followed the example of the good little witnoids that others wanted me to be like and led a double life, would have been easier!
As for now - I still don't lead a double life, I don't have to as I have no witnoid partner or friends but I don't tell my witness family that I post here!
Welcome angeleyes71
by Gopher inhere was her first post about an hour ago, tucked into another thread.
: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/142152/2551916/post.ashx#2551916.
i have been df'd for about 2 1/2 years now.
Child Baptisims Really Pissing Me Off. Linked to DF's
by oompa inas a parent with a df'd 22 year old son who i love to hang with, i just need to vent a little.
my completly ingrained family do not treat him as family.
it kills me.
My bro got baptised at 13 and DF at 15.
When people used to say to me - why aren't you baptised? - I used to say - look what happened to my brother. They soon stopped. Then i was dumb and got dipped once everyone had stopped hounding me!
My wife just left me.
by oompa infor saturday morning bookstudy!!!!
thanks for checking on me though.
every meeting now i ask her "so what did you learn at the meeting" and i can tell she is getting tired of answering.
by Physio init's been a long time since i posted here but i often read your messages when ian (dansk) logs on.
as most of you will know, ian will be going back into hospital on monday for an allogeneic stem cell transplant and will be away from the forum for a good few weeks (hopefully he'll be back home within 4-6 weeks).
last time he was in hospital many of you sent messages to his ward and i know they cheered him up immensely.
Glad you are out of hospital - hope you keep on and on improving
Can i have some advice re fading hubby please?
by dobbie inbasically i di'ad last year and at first hubby was petrified and was more like a jw apologist than a supportive spouse.
however this year esp the last few months, where even his own mother has told him she won't set foot in our door even to see her grandchildren he is v v disgusted with the religion.
the problem we have tbh is moving on properly and i know what it is, he doesn't believe it anymore, yet he says shes still his mother even though shes never been good to him and he knows she's totally cut him out if he left (she only v seldomly texts or rings him if she wants something).
Before I start - I have never been in your situation but:
If he is to make up his own mind the only thing you can really do is keep supporting him. As your non witness family will be supportive too - maybe start doing more things with them and involve your hubby so he has a support network and can see more that the "world" is not an evil place.
Would he freak out if you introduced him to this site? Or if you suggest counselling to help him get out from his mothers shadow? Its hard for a child to not be loved by their parents - i still try and get my fathers approval even though he abused me.
The Way to Paradise by Van Amberg....crazy conversation with Mom
by restrangled ina few days ago my mom had complained that she had loaned out her copy from many years ago and one of her brother's lost it.
one of my cousins said he could order it over the internet and had it shipped to her.. the new version has a complete index in the back of all the errors and false predictions.
she promptly whined to me that the apostates had gotten a hold of it and were trying to make the society look bad.. i told her she was being paranoid and that books are always updated.
she thinks it's all wrong because it come off the internet? that's great :) made me smile too. Crazy!
DF and heartbroken
by cassyrene inlet me begin by saying that i never expected to even talk about my situation let alone discuss it on the internet but i guess im just feeling so sad that i must hope that someone will understand and give me encouragement...so here it goes.. .
but the more active i got, the more abusive my stepmother became.
ironically, he sent my stepmother to the wedding.
welcome cassyrene, sorry to hear your story :( we all need our parents, we all need love and it is so sad when we don't get what we need from those who are so important to us. Many people have offered better advice than I ever could!
I'm so happy that you have someone to be happy with and who supports you as you support them, it makes life a little easier doesn't it?