A few days ago My mom had complained that she had loaned out her copy from many years ago and one of her brother's lost it.
One of my cousins said he could order it over the internet and had it shipped to her.
The new version has a complete index in the back of all the errors and false predictions. She promptly whined to me that the apostates had gotten a hold of it and were trying to make the society look bad.
I told her she was being paranoid and that books are always updated. In addition, I said that "Apostates along with anyone else couldn't just take up publishing rights from someone else." I refrained from making any other comments, and believe me I had plenty.
She then said, "Well, it came from the internet and I just wasted $20.00."
Amazing how they have the R and F sold on the horrors of the internet.
Does anyone know the story so I can set her straight?!!!!
Thanks in advance,