I was born in. I too was never convinced, I just assumed that they were really inspired, I mean how else could they come up with these ideas. There were so many crazy ideas that just weren't logical. I never was considered strong in the truth and didn't care. I always felt I was just along for the ride. If it weren't for my family I would have probably just faded away. I did the pioneer thing but it didn't mean much to me. I became inactive for about 20 years and should have stayed that way. The things that always bothered me were, how did they know they were chosen in 1919, was god talking to them or not. the date things just never made any sense. Keeping time records. All the made up names which created more of a class system. I don't care what anybody says , pioneers think they are better than everybody else. I always thought of them as worse. That is why I stopped the pioneer thing , it was all bull crap. I got tired of people thinking I was great because I was a pioneer.
Then came the things that started my research. Both were odd and ironic. An email was circulated by jws from an long time elder. In the email he brought up how he had always just read scriptures at meetings etc. and never really sat down and studied the bible. At the time I didn't think of what his purpose was but it got me to thinking. The second thing was when I reading about the great pyramid and came across the part about russell and his lunacy concerning dates. Believe it or not these two things started me on a very large research on everything to do with the society. I began to say to myself, 'now all the doubts I always had were making sense to me , it really was just a bunch of crap.
I was never really upset about it and I did not go through the feelings that alot of other people went through, I was prepared for it all my life, I just wished that I done this many, many years ago.
For any of jws that may be reading this, please do some research, there is nothing to fear from the truth. There is only one reason that the society tells you not to miss meetings and field service , it is not because you will become spiritually weak it because you will become spiritually strong. I feel so good now that I don't go to the meetings, etc. where I was so blasted bored and miserable. Study the bible at home where you are confortable. The longer you miss the meetings the more clear your mind will become and then you will be able to think on you own and all the things you have read here will start to make sense to you.