Gruesome Armageddon illustrations aside, what's up with never drawing women wearing pants (unless they're worldly)?!
Picturing them at the KH is one thing, but picturing "Christian" women (i.e. JW women) outside of the KH wearing dresses is a bit ridiculous.
Even doing gardening, cleaning, or just walking around, freakin' dresses and skirts. In the Revelation book, there is even a picture (later chapter I think) that shows a woman standing on a ladder, picking fruit off a tree, in a long skirt.
So, are proper JW women never allowed to wear pants? The WTBTS would have you think so.
C'mon! No woman is going to do some gardening or clean her house in a dress. I think they even picture women exercising in skirts (i.e. wholesome walks with the family).
Come to think of it, I don't think they ever picture women driving cars, or doing construction, or anything else that would suggest that women can do things other than be baby machines, housewives or pioneers.
When I was a teenager, I used to think that I didn't want to live forever if that meant never being able to wear jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers again.