Before I left I reported zero hours. Before that I just put down anything so they would leave me
alone. It is good to work less and report more. Makes you look good and its less householders
that you tick off.
this week's congregation "bible" study.
the drone running the show asked an auxiliary question (tm):.
"so, what could be some of the consequences if people weren't honest in reporting their field service?".
Before I left I reported zero hours. Before that I just put down anything so they would leave me
alone. It is good to work less and report more. Makes you look good and its less householders
that you tick off.
one of the things that made me start doubting the wtbts and jws was the way jws treat their jw employees.. i worked for jws several times.
the experience was always the same.. 1. pay was less than the going market rate for the same work at "worldly" companies.. 2. there were no benefits of any kind, no paid holidays, no sick time, no overtime, no insurance.. 3. whenever possible the jw forced the jw employees to pay their own company related expenses like gas, pager, company uniform, etc.. 4. any attempt to discuss the poor working conditions was always responded to with "but you get to make all the meetings and you get to go to the assemblies and you get to work for brothers.
" and, if you said "i would go to meetings regardless of who i worked for" and pushed back on that answer then they started in on your "loyalty" and you were unspritual if you questioned a "brother" and were not "loyal" to your employer.. 5. any attempt to find another job was met with harassment, being told you could not give the jw employer as a reference, being threatened with lawsuits, etc.. 6. the jw employers themselves were lazy and would not do the things they expected of their jw employees.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
I realize that not all jws employers are horrible but my all my experiences with them were bad including
when my son worked for them . He had three jws who would not pay him because they said
they did not have the money. Two of them were building contractors. I had him take both to
authorities and both had to pay all wages plus for the days up untill he was paid , maximum 30
days, he got the 30 days both times. The other jw I talked to and informed them they were
breaking laws ( not paying on specified pay days) they also paid same day.
I told him before not to work for jws, he had to learn the hard way. jws seem to have their
own rules.
many jws I know have had the same problem.
I'm sure someone has asked this before, but did Jesus create Satan, and does 'created all
things' include beings.
i just did a quick search on the wt cd and confirmed that that jehovah doesn't approve the salvation army.
but would a jw accept help from them just like they will accept help from the red cross?.
btw, clyde has been asked to do a little bell ringing.
Gary neal, I have always liked those scriptures. jws always try to twist them around to be spiritual but nothing
there indicates any such thing. I also like to use James 1:27 that part of pure religion is visiting the fatherless
and widows in their affliction. I have found that in my 60 or so years in this organization that most
jws are takers and not givers. The organization makes them that way. There are those few though
who are nice , caring, giving people . It boils down to , are you a christian or are you a jw.
i distinctly remember the last talk i gave.
it was a talk in the "back" school.
everyone in the room was someone i had known most of my life.
Happy guy, I believe you, I have been in similar situations, just not the school. My problem with
the school was when they talked me into joining the school after I had been inactive for a very
long time. They just kept giving me the kid talks for a couple of years (when I was younger I gave
the public talks ) . I finally went to the elder and told him to take me off, and he asked why,
I told him the truth, that I had enough of being treated like I was inexperienced . I never had
any points I had to work on. I told him to give all the younger ones the experience and most
of the olders definitely needed work. We had the worse speakers I have ever seen. Some
people just never learn to speak in public
As far as the fighting goes I myself will not tolerate anyone getting in my face like that, and I had
my face rearanged a few times because of it.
there have been some partial quotations of josephus on this board recently in relation to how he explained the '70 years'.. .
in the interests of scholastic honesty and so that his words are not taken out of context, here are some relevant passages with their context.
you might ask yourself, do the 70 years (as spoken by the prophet jeremiah) begin with the destruction of the temple or before the destruction of the temple?
Lar, I never said Joesephus didn't have problems , I said It was clear to me about the 70 and 50 years. It seems to
me you put alot of words between the lines. I know what you write seems clear to you, but it just
confuses me and I'm nor easily confused. I always hated doing book reports, the teacher asking
what the author meant by this and that , I thought , how the heck do I know what he thougt I'm not
a mind reader. I take the author for what he says not for what I think he says. I try to read the bible
the same way. NOt arguing with you just saying.
there have been some partial quotations of josephus on this board recently in relation to how he explained the '70 years'.. .
in the interests of scholastic honesty and so that his words are not taken out of context, here are some relevant passages with their context.
you might ask yourself, do the 70 years (as spoken by the prophet jeremiah) begin with the destruction of the temple or before the destruction of the temple?
This is just my opion, but It seems clear to me, that 70 years refers to the totality and 50 years just for the
the temple. I try not to read between the lines. But I have learned to never assume I'm correct. I think
joesephus would have realized that he had two different time lines there. Or even in his time someone
would have pointed it out to him.
the ones where the witch doctor surcomes to his own spell that he put on the brothers, or when the 5 drs physicaly force the sister to have the blood transplant?
etc etc where the person was praying and ... ding dong!
there appear the jw's..... can we belive it??
Even if they were true are the jws saying it was a miracle? It would either be one of three things
a miracle , a coincidence . or bull crap. The society says there are no miracles performed today, so it would
have to be a coincidence or bull crap.
i found the higher up the socail rank the dubs got, the more tardy they were for everything, meetings, ministry.
and of course when you invited them round.
so many times i can remeber the food spoiling/burning and 45mins to an hour later they would decide to finaly turn up!
Sometimes there are really good reasons for being late, and for responsible people that is very
seldom. But on the other hand there are those who are never, never, on time. You can be
late for everything else if you want but if you are late for an appointment with me you will
find me gone when you finally get there. It is just plain rude to expect a person to wait around
on you to show up when you feel like it. Being on time is just a matter of self disipline. I also
think it is a generation thing . When I was younger being late was almost unheard of. My own
40 year old kids are habitually late, so if I want them to be at my house at a certain time I just move the
time up an hour then they have to wait on me.
i would be interested in your opinion of the following:.
a friend told me about an incident that had happened in a neighbouring congregation.
she told me that a sister from the congregation needed to get back to work after a meeting but discovered that she was boxed in.
Put a sign on the damaged part of the car that gives the name of the elder and the amount of money
he refused to pay. This would be the same as bringing it before the entire congregation as the
bible recommends. Then just sit back and enjoy the show.