Glad you're back!
(Not to steal your thread, but Nvr can you show me how to do the pictures, too, please? )
due to overwhelming e-mails i'm back baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i wigged out guys.
you guys are awesome.
Glad you're back!
(Not to steal your thread, but Nvr can you show me how to do the pictures, too, please? )
well i just realised how terrified i look holdin' him, and i was terrified!
didnt want to break the new baby!!
btw havent forgotten other topic, meg and i will look at that later.. megan had a long long labour, the induction took aaaaaaaages but things suddenly sped up at 15:00pm and by 16:45 he was out.
Congratulations, Daddy! I am so glad everything turned out well for you all. Take good care of your family!
this is my cat thomas on day 13 of his training (the video).
right now he is still using a training device called the litter kwitter and is starting to master the act of hopping up on the toilet to use it!
watch the video here:
Wow! Smart cat. How old is he? How long does it take til they don't need that litter thing in the toilet?
here is something we will probably never hear or read again in the wt: .
"we would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the society is the lord's channel.
if others see it in a different way, that is their privilege.
OMG! What a complete turn around! You guys are right. They will never say that again or acknowledge it in a good way.
great posting!.
keep it up!.
so many are waking up.. as you suggested in your first topic thread, the jw organization is self-destructing.. .
Welcome The-Borg!
in another thread i mentioned megans waters broke, well now she is having strong contractions and is due to go into real labour anytime soon.
the hospital are ringing me when to go up.. hope your all well, thanks for your support - honestly we really love you all and if you can just post a reply to megan, when she gets home and is able she will read and reply when she gets a chance (will be a week at most).. i am sat here awaiting my 'phone call' lol..
Congratulations! I hope all goes well for mother and little Noah. I hope you live close by so you don't miss the birth.
Takes real cowards to pick on the elderly , let alone anyone
Amen to that!
love your posts, your sense of humour, and your ability to stay a mystery.
Woo hoo! Congratulations, Outlaw!
lmao sorry but i dislike the evil president.
who does he think he is coming over to oz and expecting us to close down a city, put on hundreds of police and spend millions of dollars for his protection.
thousands of lifes have been lost because of this freak.
We Americans don't want him either. Sweetstuff was right about the last election.
Forgive my ignorance, but who is John Howard/Haywood anyhow? Your prime minister or the equivalent?
I don't think any city should be shut down to it's citizens. Gadzooks, sounds like something China or the old Soviet Union would do.
Happy Belated Birthday! Enjoy the concert and be sure to tell us all about it afterwards. Wish I was going, too. I love Pink!