hmmm ... I wonder ... ? Very interesting thought tula.
we had to stomach knocking.. why can't we get some media exposure on truth about the truth?.
hmmm ... I wonder ... ? Very interesting thought tula.
just wanna say how great it is to an american during the world series of baseball !.
i'm screamin' for colorado.
whose your team and what are you doin' right now as you watch the game and tap the keys at the same time?.
Ouch Tigerman! How are you feeling? This might be ... dare I say it ... a SWEEP!!!
just wanna say how great it is to an american during the world series of baseball !.
i'm screamin' for colorado.
whose your team and what are you doin' right now as you watch the game and tap the keys at the same time?.
I am uploading pictures from my camera onto my computer and organizing my photo albums!
i've only posted since feb 07..but i have lurked for several years prior and there was usually something interesting on the board.
as i was reading the active topics list this morning, only a couple things jumped out at me as interesting...its been this way since the dgate and tgate incidents.... i was discussing this with a long time poster via im yesterday....does it seem to anyone else that so many of the topics are ...i dont know....odd...or different than they used to be...and i dont mean that in a good way.. i miss the newbies coming on and telling us their stories.... i miss the long time posters updating us on their lives post-borg... i guess with the recent uproar, the lurkers are hesitant to become newbies (cant say as i blame them now...we probably scared them off , and maybe the vets are just as hesitant...after all, someone went 2 years with their fraud/hoax...who will believe anyone else now?
i hope this is just a temporary cycle on this board..i have read many many posts from the archives...i hope one day soon we can get back to a happy medium here.. by the way, i like the fluff threads, but these seem to be more and more sex related (maybe that word will wake someone)... yet they get all the attention....and then someone goes too far and it gets locked down by a mod and the poster restricted......(i am not a prude...just sometimes enough is enough).
I took a short break from the board and so now I have no idea what TGATE is ... anyone? It sounds serious and it seems to have affected everyone on the board no?
game two is on.
score is tied 1 to 1 bottom of the fifth.. yay sox!.
YEAH BABY!!! Not as sweet a victory as last night's game but still a VICTORY!!!
not sure where i should put this.
anyways i just wanted to say hello.. .
brandy lynn.
welcome welcome welcome!!!
pascal's wager.
blaise pascal offers a pragmatic reason for believing in god: even under the assumption that gods existence is unlikely, the potential benefits of believing are so vast as to make betting on theism rational.
critics in turn have raised a number of now-classic challenges.
I suppose there are quite a few who beilieve just to cover their 'arse', but on the other hand, there are many sincere people who believe for very different reasons, including myself.
did you believe that just maybe, if there was a new elder appointed in the hall, that things might be different?
i remember hearing how happy people were when i first became an elder.
they would say, "we need new blood!
I never felt that way about new elders on account that we never had any new elders in the cong grew up in. It was the same group of men year after year after year ...
But I DID get excited when we would get a new CO because I would always feel like maybe THIS one could see through all the hypocrisy of the elders and make a change. Obviously this never happened either. To this day, my old cong STILL has the same core of elders it had 20 years ago.
what foreign language or languages do you enjoy most listening to, though you may not be able to understand the words?
i find several foreign languages pleasant to listen to, french with its refinement, italian with its sing song musical quality, and german with its coarse but resolute intonation.
i also like the sound of russian and castillian spanish.
Arabic, Spanish, Italian
Speaking for myself, I wouldn't. I don't care about the alleged "pagan origins", no doubt other cultures used crosses for various meanings. However, in Western culture, wearing a cross implies that the wearer buys into the whole "original sin/ransom sacrifice" idea, and I don't. I don't view myself, or anyone else, as products of a "fallen race" of humans. I have no inborn sin because of something my ancestors did. No one died for my sins, because no one needed to.
GAIAGIRL: I agree with you here. So my answer to this question would be 'no', I personally would not wear a cross. jelcat