I have a few questions regarding the temptations of christ.In my association with the jw`s(33yrs) I remember the wbts commenting on the disfellowshiping of bros.&sisters was primarily of a sexuall nature.(that was b4 the net ,now maybe it`s apostasy) So my question is why would satan tempt jesus with things he already had or would be given in the future(he could perform miracles and he would rule over the nations in the future,and in the case of the christian congregation almost immediately)If it was so successfull to use sex as a way of bringing gods people undone since adam (he might have lost his dues if he didn`t follow his wifes lead)Samson is another one,and of course let`s not forget about king david,to name a few.Wouldn`t it be more in line with satans schemes to use a beautiful woman to tempt jesus ?According to the wb&ts it`s been tremendously successfull with modern day jw`s and let`s face it jesus was a MAN for christ`s sake.What are your comments,thoughts about this subject.Is that an unreasonable question to ask?
Posts by smiddy
Jesus temptations
by smiddy ini have a few questions regarding the temptations of christ.in my association with the jw`s(33yrs) i remember the wbts commenting on the disfellowshiping of bros.&sisters was primarily of a sexuall nature.
(that was b4 the net ,now maybe it`s apostasy) so my question is why would satan tempt jesus with things he already had or would be given in the future(he could perform miracles and he would rule over the nations in the future,and in the case of the christian congregation almost immediately)if it was so successfull to use sex as a way of bringing gods people undone since adam (he might have lost his dues if he didn`t follow his wifes lead)samson is another one,and of course let`s not forget about king david,to name a few.wouldn`t it be more in line with satans schemes to use a beautiful woman to tempt jesus ?according to the wb&ts it`s been tremendously successfull with modern day jw`s and let`s face it jesus was a man for christ`s sake.what are your comments,thoughts about this subject.is that an unreasonable question to ask?
JW`s and the "NAME"Jehovah
by smiddy inwhen the "aid to bible understanding"first came out their was a lot written as to why jw`s settled on the name jehovah.i found it curious,they leant heavily on the acceptance of biblical scholars common usage of the name".it was the most widely accepted form in common use by christendom".on the one hand they claim christendom is the anti-christ,the whole world outside jw`s is under the control of satan the devil,and yet they quote these sources to back up their use of jehovah in spite of the fact,the same "aid" book admitted that yaweh was more nearer the correct pronunciation.at the time i thought that was curious.also that first printing of the "aid" book had no reference to "elders"and yet it was only a few months later that the elder arrangement came into force.divine inspiration ?
i dont think so!
When the "Aid to bible understanding"first came out their was a lot written as to why jw`s settled on the name jehovah.I found it curious,they leant heavily on the acceptance of biblical scholars common usage of the name".It was the most widely accepted form in common use by christendom".On the one hand they claim christendom is the anti-christ,the whole world outside jw`s is under the control of satan the devil,and yet they quote these sources to back up their use of jehovah in spite of the fact,the same "Aid" book admitted that Yaweh was more nearer the correct pronunciation.At the time I thought that was curious.Also that first printing of the "Aid" book had no reference to "Elders"and yet it was only a few months later that the elder arrangement came into force.Divine inspiration ? I dont think so!!
by rache31 inoh, how many of us heard that we wouldn't make it to graduation or get married in this system?
i thought i wouldn't grow up.
no one talked about preparing for the future.
My young boys were in primary school in the late 1960`s and it was common knowledge they were not going to reach high school b4 the new system arrived.Also the person who brought me into the "truth" (ugh ) often said this old system could not last anymore than 5yrs b4 the end came.I wonder if he still says that.
by badboy ini unerstand that in the 1975 runup, they said 6,000 years were almost ending.. however in the wayto paradise by van de amburgh ,it says 7,000 years have passed..
If I rememember correctly,and I was baptized in 1961,jw`s allowed for an undisclosed amount of time,maybe even milleniums for the creation of the universe including our solar system,the 6000 yrs.relates to the preparing of the earth for mankind (sorry ladies and womankind ) So each of the 7 creative days of 7000 yrs began when the almighty decided to create a home for humanity.Remember that first sentence in the bible states:In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.(full stop ) I`ve been out 14 yrs now so god knows what changes they have made since then.Just a thought though.
Here's the reason for the 3% jump in publishers for the past year
by sir82 init is immigration that explains the vast majority of the increase.. who is it that immigrates?
the poorest of the poor, the desperate ones that would be dead from starvation or execution by gangs/guerillas within 5 years anyway.
these were not the ones being converted in their home countries - when you have to work 14-18 hours a day, 7 days a week just to feed your family, there is no time to "study", attend meetings, go out in field servce, etc.. so, they go to their new country.
I thought it was worth mentioning that 30 countries either had a zero or a negative (growth ?)
Children in Bulgaria - CANNOT BECOME MEMBERS
by compound complex indear friends, .
on various fronts there has been much discussion on the children of jehovah's witnesses being pushed into premature baptism.
the statement that the society prepared for the european commission on human rights, however, is quite revealing.
I think it`s a cop out of the wbts to say their v`e dis associated themselves,it`s not really the same thing,to disassociate yourself is to willfully reject jehovah`s organization,something that the majority of jw`s would liken to sinning against the holy spirit,not forgiven in the previous system of things,the present system of things or the coming system of things.The burden on JW`s is far greater.So to follow the wbts in their present understanding is obligatory,to the detriment of the jw.
by SHUNNED FATHER inas you may have heard, the court of appeal has overturned three previous court decisions in my favour.
the lawsuit has been given the green light and is basically has remained intact almost exactly the way it started.
what are the odds of that happening?
I don`t know whether these points have been covered or not but isn`t their a lawyer from canada,namely Kerry loudeback who wrote a thesis on the tort of misrepresentation of blood by the wtb&ts?Maybe she can shed some light on how to proceed.Also I`d like to comment on the "news"some time back that the jw`s have modified their stance/backed away from forcing jw`s from taking blood by shunning,ostraczising them for doing so.They now say we don`t d/f them for taking blood any more,by their own actions (taking a blood transfusion ) they dis -accociate themselves from the org.of jw`s HELLO..oooooo .This is not a softening up of their policy,on the contrary it`s more damaging,more threatening!! Why?,because if a witness through weakness or transgression commits a sin they can be reinstated from being d/f after a period of time,however if one willfully dis-associates themself from Jehovah,in many jw`s mind that could be paramount to committing the unforgivable sin,a sin that is not forgivable in the previous system,the present system,or the coming system of things.thereby putting a much heavier burden on the "witness"to toe the watchtower policy line.What are your thoughts on this.
Barb's response to the WT's Media email and site
by Dogpatch inanyone else care to comment on the watchtower's media site response to the pedophile issue?
i know this has partially been covered, sorry.
Not only do they try to sidestep the issue by referring only to "elders" in every case where jw lawyers defend the jw`s on trial they attack the credibility of the victim and put them through "hell"It`s also a good point to note that`s when they claim clergy privelidge,what hypocrites they are.
The Average JW WILL NOT Leave!!!!
by minimus inyou could have stupid new light every week published and the vast majority aren't going anywhere.
you could see proof of contradiction after contradiction right in front of your nose, if you're a witness.
and you still won't budge.. the reason: mental and spiritual laziness.
Agreed !! The avge.jw spends so much time & effort in cementing their place in wt life that pride will not let them see the org. for what it is.Initially they beleive because they want to beleive,the longer they stay the harder it is to make the break.I was their for 33 yrs.( I know I`m a slow learner ) Just athought : the brighter the light gets the dimmer their intelligence becomes.
What Do YOU Think Is The BIGGEST Revelation That Has Gotten JWs Exposed???
by minimus infor me, it was the un debacle.
their association and weak retreat was priceless.
after that, silentlambs ranks right up there.. of course, if it were not for ray franz, many of us would've never even thought about leaving!.
This is my 1`st post,though i`ve looked at this site over many many months.I left 14yrs ago after being in it for 33yrs ( I know i`m a bit slow) It was a gradual thing for me.overseeing a bro`s judicial case in which 2 cong`s were involved & each trying to pass the buck on the other not wanting to deal with it.Because they wern`t following wt procedures I threatened to write to HQ in the usa & also in Ingleburne branch office They buckled under that threat & I realized slowly this could not be the truthYou start to look at other things then and investigate other niggling doubts.It probably took about a year to finally break loose. I was an ms over aperiod of time & I like to keep abreast of what "new light"emerges out of the unfaithful indiscrete slave class.It`s agood site this keep up the good work