The Rebel
Your reply to Landy , I nearly blurted out my mouthful of chardonay.LOL
i asked my son to stop playing football.
it was a simple kick about he was playing with a friend using the garage door as the goal.
i then went to my home and thought no more about it.
who are looking after the aged and infirm jehovah`s witnesses ,?
its certainly not the organization known as the wtb&ts ./jehovahs witnesses religion .. and why is that ?
satans system of things with jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the dole for unemployed ,medical assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks.
Who are looking after the aged and infirm Jehovah`s Witnesses ,? its certainly not the Organization known as the WTB&TS ./Jehovahs Witnesses religion .
And why is that ? Satans system of things with Jehovahs blessing , has programs to look after those who have such needs , such as the Dole for unemployed ,Medical Assistance for those who cant afford it ,and their are many charitable institutions that look after those that fall in the cracks. ( Mainly religious groups) With hospitals and aged care facillities
Sadly it`s not the WTB&TS /JW`s who are their to fill that gap.
And how many Jehovah`s Witnesses in good standing are looking and caring after their aged parents in their time of need.? How many do you personally know of ? or are they shunted off into a religious institution that they have condemned all their life.
I know of a few aged JW`s who are relying on aged care facillities to look after them that are run and financed by Christendoms Religions.
How many do you know of.?
Jehovahs Witnesses are parasites on society. They suck all they can out of this world and they give nothing back.
And they give nothing back to the aged and infirm who have slaved a lifetime to this organization that poses as a religion.
in case you were wondering if the governing body we're going to become kinder and gentler, the answer is a big "no!!!
in the current study edition of the wt magazine, the sheeple are reminded of some very important key points.
1) god has an organization ( corporation ) that you must respect.. 2) only the gb/faithful slave can dispense spiritual food and only the gb/faithful slave can interpret the bible.. 3) individual dubs absolutely cannot learn "truth" on their own.. 4) god requires "unity of doctrine.
my daughter asked if anyone has heard anything about a 'big announcement' being made sometime this week in congregations in canada and possibly beyond... in her words "it's like a biggggg long thing, they cut out part of the book study for it and people heard it was a historical thing"... any ideas?
could it be the mexican branch closing or the theme of the convention?
or something else?
you're not likely to see this in an awake!
magazine, but here goes.
for those that believe in intelligent design please explain this one to me:.
I agree with Konceptual99 here ,I would love somebody who could post a thread that lists these type of parasites that invade the human body and cause all manner of pain and suffering on humanity .
How do Christians try to explain these facts. ? In Genesis God `s punishment for Adam and Eve`s " sin" /disobedience was only death , and in Adam and Eves case old age ,,nothing was said about the multitude of disease and other afflictions that would plague man/woman/kind`s descendants of Adam & Eve.
And with the point of Satan causing this ? Is he a creator also ?
I thought only Jehovah God was the creator of EVERYTHING living.
why is it that i understand the bible more clearly today then all my years in the organization (jw)???
?many religious people believe the average person cannot understand the bible..maybe the reasons (1) they may have tried to study the bible and found it difficult, so they gave up.
(2) maybe they believe truth is subjective;so whatever you believe,that is truth for you.
If any Christian wants to really understand the Bible as it is in Christendom today they should get the jewish perspective of it .
39 Books penned by Jews dealing with the Old Testament covering a period of 4000 years .
27 Books penned by , mainly Jews dealing with the New Testament covering a period approx.100 years
Which group do you think has the more qualifications to understand the Bible more.?
just saying
Edit to add it all depends on what branch of Christianity you belong to also as many differ as to what and how many books actually belong in the Bible.
in case you were wondering if the governing body we're going to become kinder and gentler, the answer is a big "no!!!
in the current study edition of the wt magazine, the sheeple are reminded of some very important key points.
1) god has an organization ( corporation ) that you must respect.. 2) only the gb/faithful slave can dispense spiritual food and only the gb/faithful slave can interpret the bible.. 3) individual dubs absolutely cannot learn "truth" on their own.. 4) god requires "unity of doctrine.
Points 1-4 aren`t they much the same points they lambasted the Roman Catholic Church for ?
The R.C.C .( used) to say they were the only true religion who dispensed truth to the flock that the faithful had to respect ,that only " they" could interpret the Bible ,it was not something individuals could do on their own and that was to ensure unity among the Catholic faithful .
So a thinking JW or anybody else needs to ask these questions :
1. Why does the GB/JW rely on the Bible Canon that ( in their own words ) appostate Christendom decided upon in the 3rd Century AD.?
2. In the 1st Edition of the Aid book regarding the name Jehovah they words to the effect :While we cant be sure of the correct pronunciation of Gods name we have settled on the name most commonly used and is familiar to most people. ( And who would that be if not people in Christendom ? )
3. Where does the R&F think the GB/ writing Dept. get their Biblical information from ? when doing their research ? The Masoretic Text ,Westcott & Hort ,The Septuagint ,etc,etc,?
Surprise, surprise,their information comes from no other than christendoms scholars over the centuries .Christendom who they have labelled as apostate after the 1st and certainly by 2nd century AD.
So all the information Jehovahs Witnesses have published for the past 100+ years about the Bible has been based on information given by Christian Scholars that Jehovahs Witnesses have classed as apostates.
Not to mention their version of the Bible that is based on the Protestant (also apostate ) Bible.
a circuit overseer friend of mine serving in latin america called me today to say hi.
i asked him what's new and he dropped the news that they have received notification that the branch in mexico will be closing!!
this branch also called the central american branch (although located in mexico) oversees all of mexico's 800,000+ publishers plus all 7 countries of central america of over 100,000 publishers.
romans 13 : 1-7 "let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities" etc,"the existing authourities stand placed in their relative positions by god" 2".therefore he who opposers the authourity has taken a stand against the arrangement of god ,those who have taken a stand against it will recieve judgement to themselves "etc,etc,.." him who calls for honour such honour.".
isnt this plainly stating that christians should be supporting and playing along with the governments of this sytem of things ?
that it is in fact an arrangement of god ?
Here we might ask ourselves WHEN did Jehovah God give Satan rulership of the world ? Was it when he succeeded in fooling Adam & Eve ? or was it later when he influenced caleb to murder his brother ?
If it wasn`t satan who entered into Caleb to murder his brother where did this thought come from?
Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures / Old Testament there are numerous accounts where Satans influence is manifest in being involved in the outcomes in scripture.
According to Christian interpretations of the Hebrew Scriptures / Old testament.
Then we have the account of Job , obviously by this account Satan has already had access to people on earth coming and going as he pleases interferring with human activity.
2 Cor .4:4 " the God of this system has blinded the unbelievers"
So my point is Satan the Devil is already down here on earth thousands of years before the book of Revelation was even thought of.
So what are we to make of all this information ?
How do the JW Witnesses align Satan and his activities in Old Testament scriptures with his activities in the New testament scriptures .He is obviously involved in both .
If Satan is already down here on earth since Adam And Eve and the Old Testament Scriptures and the New Testament clearly tell us he has done so for more more than 2000 years ago .
The belief that Satan was cast down to the earth in 1914/1919 just flys out the window.
As another failed prphecy .
we've just got finished banging the pots and pans and screaming on the front porch.
a few shotgun shots ( i hope they were blanks!
) and we can hear the low rumble of the fireworks in baltimore about 25 miles away.
I think you are going to live up to your post name GrreatTeacher with great success.I wish you well .What age are the kids you teach ?
Dont underestimate the influence you might have on children either. I still thank in my mind and heart the teacher I had for the first 4 years of my schooling for drumming into us kids the times table and spelling .
I left school at 14 years of age not appreciating an education at that time and going to work as a factory hand ,luckily at the time doing an apprenticeship in the leathergoods industry ,then changing my vocation after 12 years and got a job in a laboratory , umpteen years later I retired with my own home
And I believe I owe it all to my first teacher , Miss Staples.