I think Jah Jireh operates in a couple of countrys by some Jehovahs Witnesses as a commercial venture that has no connection with JW.ORG . Its purely a business venture operated by some JW`s. to make money.
Apparently they have strict rules as to who can benefit from their services .
Clients/patients must be exemplary/in good standing in their former congregation and have enough money to be able to pay for the services provided.
It is an Aged Care facillity that is exclusive to Jehovah`s Witnesses .Nobody else is wanted .
It is not a service or facillity officially provided by the WTB&TS /Jehovahs witness organization.
On the other hand religious organizations such as St.Vincent De Paul ,Roman Catholic cater for everybody religious or not , AngliCare also provide the same service ,as do many other christian religions such as the Seventh day Adventists ,many of these and others not mentioned here provide services ,health care ,hospitals , soup kitchens and accomodation for homeless peoples ,They exist to help the needy and down and out to get back on their feet again and be productive citizens once again .And they have success.
Jehovahs Witnesses pale into insignificance compared to these organizations.
They are not a charitable organization and they should be stripped of that designation.