Posts by smiddy
Governing Body Discontinues the New World Translation as 'OLD Light'???
by Ruby 1976 ini just saw this posted on a facebook group.
anyone know if there is any truth to this?.
by midnight inwhat happens if you openly declare you are an aethiest, i don't mean go round forcing my view on everyone , but when pressured to go to the kingdom hall etc you stated you are an aethiest and no longer believe in god , surely you can't be accused of apostasy as you simply don't believe in anything ?
anyone experienced this ?.
Midnight ,your married your the head of the house ,take charge ,you dont owe anything to anybody no power to Elders , unless you give it to them , you dont owe them anthing .
Dont meet with them ,you and Jah will work it out in your own time.
How strong are you or how weak are you.?
Its your call.
by midnight inhi i am posting for the first time although i've been looking for a few years , i was born into a witness family left when i was 12 with my parents went back at 22 pioneered became ms started to have major doubts around 2002 when there was a lot of talk about blood fractions etc have been hit and miss since i'm extremely mentally confused as to wether or not this really is jehovah's earthly organisation , i find life hard facing up to mortality etc not having the new system hope , what nailed your decision to leave ?
how did you cope with world problems on news etc ?
how did you fill the void ?
Welcome midnight ,I`m glad you decided to take the plunge and post on this site , it takes time to adjust to question the organization without being hauled before a JC meeting .
You can ask questions here with no fear of being hauled over the coals.
Lies, and more lies.
by biblexaminer ini have seen some discussions related to the "kingdom" book, and the recent studies, but, i didn't see the one pertaining to the second chapter of the "kingdom" book.
i may have missed it.
if i have ...mea culpa.. chapter 2, paragraph 29 & 33.
My guess is they would say they are Spiritual Israelites not to be classed as gentiles.The scriptures can be twisted around to say /mean whatever you want it to mean/say.
You cant win with a Bible nutter,who will cherry pick a scripture out of context to validate their point of view.
The biggest lie`s are those told today by the WTB&TS about their past/early history.
How do you categorise the Society - Cult or High control religion
by UnshackleTheChains ini have often seen many categorise the organisation in different ways.
some say cult, some say high control religion.
cult or high control religion?.
If your actually talking to a JW whether they come to your door or you see them minding a cart I dont think using any of those terminologys , cult ,mind control ,or high control religion /group etc.will get you anywhere it will just shut them down and defence mechanisms spring up straight away.In other words you show your cards up front , not away to win a card game.
What could work is to ask questions that dont raise such flags to them immediately.Play dumb.ask more questions ,play dumb till you get your point across without coming across as an apostate or somebody who knows much about JW`s.beliefs .Theocratic warfare in reverse.
Numbers don't lie... and these numbers are beautiful!!
by ILoveTTATT2 inthe numbers don't lie... definitely slowing down!!.
in the 40´s the average growth per year was 20%in the 50´s it was about 10%they had four decades of solid 5% per yearnow the average for the past 16 years has been 2%.
maybe in the future it will be 1% or 0 or even negative????.
Dont forget dub , they also quote the scripture " the love of the greater number will cool off" Matt.24:12.
JW`s speak out of both sides of their mouth.
Numbers don't lie... and these numbers are beautiful!!
by ILoveTTATT2 inthe numbers don't lie... definitely slowing down!!.
in the 40´s the average growth per year was 20%in the 50´s it was about 10%they had four decades of solid 5% per yearnow the average for the past 16 years has been 2%.
maybe in the future it will be 1% or 0 or even negative????.
I wont be happy till they drop below the base line.
Feb. 2017 "Who is Leading God's People Today?"
by Saethydd ini know that i am not by any means the first person to take note of this article, but today i finally got around to reading it.
i quickly found the now infamous line "the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
" in the interest of fairness, however, i decided to finish the paragraph, which led me to finish the lesson.
How can their be Gods people today if God doesnt exist ? And which God are you talking about ?
Isnt it presumptuous of christians to think/believe their God is the only true God ? or even the only God?
Isnt it written in their own scriptures Gen 3:22 " and jehovah God went on to say here the man has become like one of us ...." implying Jehovah had peers, Gods like himself.
How to believe you deserve to relax
by rebel8 ini was brainwashed to believe you generally shouldn't relax much.. demons can enter you if you meditate or even relax your brain too much for one second.
always be on guard.. scriptures criticizing laziness were repeated often.
https://www.openbible.info/topics/laziness "be kind to yourself" and all that.. you need to strenuously exert yourself for jehoopla and you're worthless if you don't.. most forms of fun were extinguished.
Wasnt that the purpose of the Sabbath in the Bible to rest on the seventh day ? However I believe we should relax a lot more often than that to be mentally and physically healthy
A good post rebel8 ,how many of these" popes" in the GB are overweight and live like kings in the little kingdom on earth prodding the r&f to do more and more in the service of them posing as GOD.
Every person needs to take time out for themselves to meditate ,relax ,and chill out.
Some people need to do it on a more regular basis than others it has nothing to do with laziness its an individual need to rejuvenate their body and to function more fully for the tasks ahead.
Thats not to say their arent lazy people out thier of course there are but they are more obvious by their actions.
Irregular to meetings, can I partake in memorial?
by Squekylive inhi friends .
i don't believe in jw doctrines anymore but because of family i have to be a jw for now.. i am not regular to meetings, and don't answer in meeting, but i report some hours so i remain as active jw now.. .
congregation knows that i am not spiritual and i don't talk to people and i don't care what they think about me.. now, i believe it's important to observe lord's supper as a christian as per john 6:53, so in the coming memorial if i attend i want to partake in the communion,.. i believe it is a sin to pass the bread and wine inspite of knowing it's flesh and blood of jesus.. it's like rejecting jesus.. so i want to partake.. but i dont consider i am anointed etc.
You sound like one of those people who have left the JW religion however the religion has never left you.
You are still a victim o JW mind control over you , by the organization......Or are you ?
If you beleive John 6:53 and that you should partake go to a church that will allow you to do so .Here is where you find out if you are still under WT control .
Does it matter what church you attend to obey Jesus commands ? to eat the bread and drink the wine ?
Or do you just want to make a statement among your family and peers at a Kingdom Hall.
Your call