" He that bears witness of these things says "yes i am coming quickly"
"Amen ! come,Lord Jesus "
That was over 2000 years ago.
How quick is quick in scripture ?
two ironys here... first of all the title "keep in expectation as jehovahs day draws near" - (this talk is from 2006!!
) i suppose 11 years isnt near enough.
second is that geoffrey jackson, of all people, is giving a talk that goes on and on about liars and how jehovah never lies.
" He that bears witness of these things says "yes i am coming quickly"
"Amen ! come,Lord Jesus "
That was over 2000 years ago.
How quick is quick in scripture ?
steve2: is there some way this can be presented so that it is crystal clear what was actually in the demonstrations and what was added?
i guess some will think it should be obvious - but this is where misunderstandings arise because we end up wrongly attributing something to jw organization that was never said.. circuit assembly theme: maintain love for jehovah!.
note to speaker: warmly encourage young ones to prove their friendship with jehovah by observing his commandments and defending his standards.
How many young guys have ditched their tight trousers has anybody noticed a trend to wear baggy pants at meetings nowadays ?
noas a current or past jehovah's witness, do you / or did you feel part of a spiritual paradise with full liberty in christ as the watchtower society/organisation describes?.
or do you / did you feel you were wearing a proverbial straitjacket in the sense you feel / felt restricted and controlled by the watchtower society / organisation?.
I was a convert at 19/20 years old. So I would fit in your former group I guess .Being ignorant of what the Bible actually contained relished the" Paradise Lost" book simplistic as it was it gave me a foundation for accepting their beliefs ,then "Equipped For Every Good Work" that was a commentary on each book of the Bible convinced me they had the "truth" along with the green book "Your Will Be Done On Earth" dealing with Daniels prophecy which at the time did seem to fit in what was taking place in world affairs at that time.
The King of the North the USSR and the King of the South the Anglo American world Power..
Remember this was in the 1960`s when nations were exploding Nuclear bombs in the atomosphere ,both Atom and Hydrogen. such as the USA ,USSR ,UK ,and France in those early years .
Russia today is not to be confused with the USSR (United Socialist Soviet Republic ) as it was back then.
For young people who dont understand that I recommend watching the satirical movie Dr Strangelove its a classic yet identifies us oldies who lived through that era.
We now have far more nations that have Nuclear capabilities such as India ,Pakistan ,China ,possibly Israel .
Others that are working towards nuclear capabilities are North Korea ,Iran ,and these are a worry.
How many more are working towards it ? who knows but its a worry and its not going away.
steve2: is there some way this can be presented so that it is crystal clear what was actually in the demonstrations and what was added?
i guess some will think it should be obvious - but this is where misunderstandings arise because we end up wrongly attributing something to jw organization that was never said.. circuit assembly theme: maintain love for jehovah!.
note to speaker: warmly encourage young ones to prove their friendship with jehovah by observing his commandments and defending his standards.
No nic homosexuals will die at the big A not because we hate them but because their gay, whats so hard to understand about that ? we love these people we just hate what they practice and its what they practice, what God will kill .
Get it ?
The mind boggles with such reasoning.
this looks interesting!!
a modern take on orwell's classic 1984.. we all have found the comparison of orwell's book to witness life to be fascinating, so this could be a great play to see!.
Even the "old" movie had two different endings if I remember correctly.
The 1984 version with Edmond O-Brien ,Michael Redgrave ,Jan Sterling and Donald Pleasance. 1956
Their have been a number of movies with alternate endings and this was one of them.
Often times though the book is always better than the movie .
A Free Public Event given by JW`s to the general public.
I was a JW from 1960_1993 , attended national and International Conventions along with Circuit Assemblys and Congregation invitations to public talks and NEVER was their any PUBLIC of any significance that ever attended any venue that I ever attended .
They were attended by JW`s and relatives of JW`s or JW`s from other areas not assigned to that particular venue.
NEVER was their any public of any significance that came along ( except maybe for one or two who came out of curiosity)
What are your observations about this fact.? Did you ever see great numbers of the general public ever to attend a JW meeting via an invitation ?
two ironys here... first of all the title "keep in expectation as jehovahs day draws near" - (this talk is from 2006!!
) i suppose 11 years isnt near enough.
second is that geoffrey jackson, of all people, is giving a talk that goes on and on about liars and how jehovah never lies.
This same talk has been regurgitated for about the last 50 years at least
someone recommended "the santa clarita diet" to me at work, and when i got home and watched the trailer, my wife and i both sat down and binged through the whole thing....
thematically, the show is all about rebirth.
sprinkled throughout is the idea that when something changes in your life, you just have to be bold and run with it.
My wife and I saw the first episode and that was enough for us.But then again we're not into Zombie type shows
i'm a 4th generation jw.
i started to realize it wasn't the truth over 2 years ago in late october/early november 2014. i don't know how exactly it happened.
i remember i had just heard about confirmation bias, and it hit me: i realized that i would be guilty of confirmation bias if i didn't look at the other side.
Wise advice from all of the above , however .
Live the life YOU want to live and not the life others want you to live.,you cant take back a wasted life to start again , you only live once.
Bye the way Welcome WeatherLover
i grew up in the org and never got baptised, however i was wondering recently about how much money my family and old friends are wasting in all that.
i remember of course never talking in amounts, that it was important to give from what you can not what you have etc but i admit i have no clue how much the average witness gives (say in % of their income).. i'm sure it varies greatly, i'd love to hear what you guys have to say..
Some Elders used to suggest 10% of your earnings as a good guide whenever anyone asked how much should we donate.
10% being the tithe the Israelites were required to give under the law.
I loved the scripture "Dont let your right hand know what your left hand is doing" so when I went to the meetings I put my money in my pocket on my left and I told my right hand not to worry about what my left hand was doing.
Somwhow or other most times I left the KH ,I had as much money as when I walked into the KH