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Posts by smiddy
New to site...let me intro myself
by LarryCope infirst, i've been out of the organization for 20 years this very year!
i was baptized in 1979 and attended one of the lancaster ohio congregations.
realizing i was gay, i left and after being in the columbus gay community for 6 months, decided bar hopping and cruising was not my cup o' tea.i decided to return in late '90 and was reinstated in '91.
Fires! "Catastrophic fire conditions" in New south Wales, Australia
by zeb in"catastrophic" is the highest level of fire danger and is current in most of nsw.
temperatures in the high 40's ( c )are being recorded.. some fires have broken out already.
please keep the fire fighters and these country folk in minds and prayers.. the city of sydney may face power outs as the electrical system cant keep up with the demand for power.
And its rather cold windy and has been wet earlier today here in East Gippsland Victoria the southern part of Australia. Its hard to imagine that it can be so hot in another part of OZ
Only yesterday it was well into the 30`s deg.C , as they say in Vic,you can have 4 seasons in one day.
Lets hope we dont have another disaster with the fires like last time.
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's are.now, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/22/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/.
Diogenesister i`m an Aussie born and bred and I have to agree with Yesu Cristo Bwana Wangu
"you will indeed not hear Muslims talking about wanting Sharia implemented." Taqyia is a term used that allows Muslims to lie when it benefits them "
I have seen videos inside Mosques here in Australia where the Imam asks the packed congregants if they disagree with Sharia law and their was not one person who disagreed with it.
And these were portrayed as moderate Muslims.
VIDEO: Queensland - Durack Kingdom Hall - 30th Anniversary
by darkspilver inthis newly released original 1987 archival footage - with voice-over narration, commentary and interviews with those involved - takes an in depth look at both the history of the durack kingdom hall and the construction of the current kingdom hall that culminated over two weekends in january 1987.. the original kingdom hall in durack dates back to 1960 - but as the jws continued to experience growth in australia - increasing by some 280% over the following 25 years, it was felt that a new, larger, kingdom hall was now needed.. the new kingdom hall was built in january 1987, but rather than simply pull-down the original kingdom hall, they decided to incorporate it within the new kingdom hall and have a somewhat large auditorium.. another interesting feature of this kingdom hall is the tiered seating used for the back few rows (for example see part 3 around 12:35 and part 4 around 10:50).
(see also the thread from last december - video queensland strathpine kh 30th anniversary ).
durack kingdom hall, 20 freeman road, durack, brisbane, qld 4077google map: https://goo.gl/maps/yhyubk4rvt92streetview: https://goo.gl/maps/lkmgvbmlk2d2.
I looked through them just to see if I recognised anybody i knew and found only one Marcus Osbourne.
A serious question for any who believe in any God of any religion who think God is interested in humans.
by smiddy inthe world health organization states that in the year 2015 ,5.9 million children died under the age of 5 years of age.. in 2010 the death rate for children under the age of 5 years of age was 7.6 million.
thats over 13 million in just 2 years .
i dont think you need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that since mankind has been on the earth for however long you want to believe and i`m just going on a conservative estimate of 6000 years by the above figures i quoted their would be billions of children under 5 yearsof age that would have died.
anointed 1 you may have answered opusdei1972 and OUTLAW to your satisfaction however you have failed to address the OP question whether God is concerned about the deaths of Billions of children under 5 years of age and he does nothing .
You want to put the blame on Nations and Governments for the deaths of Billions of children since Adam .
Romans 13 clearly shows Jehovah God placed the Governments in their relative positions that their is no authority except by God.And anybody who wants to go against that authority has to answer to GOD.
So isnt that actually saying God /Jehovah is the God of this system of things ? That he is resposible for whoever rules over the nations ?
So the buck stops their with GOD Jehovah / Yahweh whatever you want to call him.
He is responsible for doing nothing to alleviate the plight of deaths among Billions of children under 5 years of age since humans were on earth.
Infinity versus nothing
by Fisherman insome people like to believe in something others believe in nothing; so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
where did the energy that caused the big band come from?
how did the substance that became the big bang change from being inert and sterile and come to life to having the properties and drive that it does?
Sometimes I emit gas sometimes spontaneous other times without my consent much to the annoyance of my wife however before I was born I didnt emit Gas
Isnt the known Universe made up of a lot of gas ? I`m just doing my bit.
The Fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity
by ILoveTTATT2 inever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's are.now, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/07/22/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/.
A good post I loveTTATT2 , the western democratic nations are going to rue the day they let in so many muslims.
It may take a few more years untill it really sinks in
As you rightly say Christianity had an "out" in the New Testament and Islam has no such "out" of their barbaric practice against any who dont tow the line.
Stranger asks about your kids mental wellness. ..
by purrpurr inlast night at the meeting there was a suggested presentation about the new mags, which cover the issue of depression in minors.
the jw jumps straight from "hi how are ya" to "how is your kids mental well-being " and of course the hh is more than happy to discuss the inner workings of their child's mind with a stranger whose just knockedmon their door(!).
if it was me i'd be majorly creeper out!.
Me , knocking my head against my computer desk after watching that video saying "I cant believe I used to do this shit" forgive me HH for I know not what I did.
Stranger asks about your kids mental wellness. ..
by purrpurr inlast night at the meeting there was a suggested presentation about the new mags, which cover the issue of depression in minors.
the jw jumps straight from "hi how are ya" to "how is your kids mental well-being " and of course the hh is more than happy to discuss the inner workings of their child's mind with a stranger whose just knockedmon their door(!).
if it was me i'd be majorly creeper out!.
Outlaw and Finkelstein those were funny
Infinity versus nothing
by Fisherman insome people like to believe in something others believe in nothing; so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
where did the energy that caused the big band come from?
how did the substance that became the big bang change from being inert and sterile and come to life to having the properties and drive that it does?
Your asking questions that cant be answered with present knowledge if ever they can be answered at all.
That doesnt mean that a God brought everything into existence because you have the same problem.
Where did God come from ? If nothing can come into existence from nothing ?
A question JW`s always avoided .the usual response He exists thats a fact just accept it.