anointed 1 you may have answered opusdei1972 and OUTLAW to your satisfaction however you have failed to address the OP question whether God is concerned about the deaths of Billions of children under 5 years of age and he does nothing .
You want to put the blame on Nations and Governments for the deaths of Billions of children since Adam .
Romans 13 clearly shows Jehovah God placed the Governments in their relative positions that their is no authority except by God.And anybody who wants to go against that authority has to answer to GOD.
So isnt that actually saying God /Jehovah is the God of this system of things ? That he is resposible for whoever rules over the nations ?
So the buck stops their with GOD Jehovah / Yahweh whatever you want to call him.
He is responsible for doing nothing to alleviate the plight of deaths among Billions of children under 5 years of age since humans were on earth.