With all the foregoing no wonder I
now identify myself as an Atheist .and are done with religious beliefs.
controversy has arisen regarding jesus versus paul as scholars debate the different emphases and messages of jesus and paul.1 jesus preached the kingdom of heaven.
paul did not.
paul preached justification by faith alone.
With all the foregoing no wonder I
now identify myself as an Atheist .and are done with religious beliefs.
so i would love to hear and make more comments here on how "self-brainwashing" is done in jehovah's witnesses and how it becomes a problem when trying to wake up our loved ones.leah remini was on bill maher's show on friday, feb. 17th.
she had some great comments about things said on her series about scientology.
one was how members are "self-brainwashing" because they spend some hours every day doing self-study.
I wouldnt be surprised if the Jehovahs Witness Governing Body adopted the German Nazi propaganda philosophy of , words to the effect ,that if you keep stating a phrase/doctrine no matter how wrong it might be over and over again, by the media , sooner or later the masses will believe it.
And isnt this the way JW`s brainwash the faithfull ? Questions and answers from the Watchtower and study books that are designed to give an answer the publication wants you to give ? You cant give an alternative answer that doesnt bring raised eyebrows from the rest of the JW`s at that meeting. You are supposed to answer only what the JW publication wants you to answer .
i'am chased by monsters and jw's, i turn and confront the whole gang and they all embrace me.lol.
Your grandson `s naming in a Mormon Church couple of weeks ago? and you were love bombed ?
Hollly shite ,
James Mixon ,what are you going to do to free your grandson from a cult? if possible.
Family members belong to the Mormons ? that cant be good .How do you cope ?
I feel for you brother , I really do.
It must be hard on you.
Take care
below is a paste of the front of this, my recent, essay.
most jws, and lurkers here, have never really thought of the scope of watchtower's 1914 prophecy.
to them, 1914 was a simple one and done -- a mistake was made and it's been corrected.
I think your post is an incredible coincidence FatFreek2005 I was only thinking of this subject while having an insomnia attack.,I was thinking of starting a post on how many other doctrines will be affected when the 1914 date is finally put to bed.And putting that question to the forum
And you have answered it with this post with your own investigation .
Thank you , I will have to spend time going through the points you have made.
i know that at some point i have to tell my parents that i'm planning to go to college.
i basically have two options:.
1. tell them early.
I think Simons approach along with your pros and cons is a sensible way to go ,that way you can gauge their feelings and attitude over a period of time and you can better plan your future move.
went back to get info from driver who tapped our car in line of cars exiting the area.
after getting her info, she waited till i walked back to our car and punched the gas, hitting me.
then drove off.
Sorry to hear about that .The fact that she hit you and still drove off is a serious offence I hope they catch her.
I hope it doesnt turn out to be anything of a serious nature.
When I was 12 or so I got hit by a dodge utillity was knocked out my bike totalled lost a couple of front teeth and spent the night in hospital ....My fault.
Take care.
i always wondered that while i was in especially when i was an elder.
i recognize that some people,elders included are brain-dead.
but do you think that the average older today knows it's all nonsense?
Sad to say that many of the Elders i have come across is that they are big fish in a little pond.
In other words they are nobodys in the society they live in maybe even being invisible to the rest of the population.
Becoming an Elder in the JW religion they are suddenly looked upon as somebody who has to be respected and looked up to Where their ego gets a big boost.
once they have tasted that adoration and that is what it is by many it becomes very hard to give it up and be a nobody again and many just cant do that.going from a somebody back to being a nobody .
Not to be overlooked is the pressure from an Elderette who does not want to lose her position in being an Elders wife .
i'm a baptized jw...been baptized for 8 years...and throughout the years i've been baptized i see "hypocrisy" so to speak in the religion...when you're new and not baptized that's when the jws want to invite you to every gathering they have, they want to appear like they're your best friend...they want to help you out when needed and so forth...however, once you're baptized you go to the elders for help they don't help you....all they do is gather you around the office...have bibles in hand and so forth...they give you articles as well, instead of physically helping you out....but yet when you weren't baptized they would physically help you out and not throw scriptures and articles in your face.
also when you ask for help and so forth with the bros/sisters they want to throw the "each one must carry his/her own load" scripture at you.....but yet what happened to the scripture of taking care of widows and people who are orphans?.
it's not just one congregation...throughout the 8 years i've been baptized i've been through many kingdom halls...many towns...many states...when i was inactive for awhile i even pretended to not be baptized and just play dumb when the witnesses came to my door...they're much nicer to you when you're not baptized then when you are baptized...why is that?.
Welcome christina 1111 glad to have you on board.As other posters have said love bombing is rife to new converts only for the realisation to set in after they have been baptised that it doesnt last.
What you need to do is ask yourself what attracted you to the religion in the first place doctrinally and now investigate those claims made by JW`s.
The site JWfacts is excellent in this regard.being non bitter about JW`s just stating facts.
One or two points I will make .
The first edition of the" Aid" book under Jehovah states that it doesnt matter if it is not the correct pronunciation of Gods name just so long as we use the commonly accepted version .? WTF?
Also their KI word for word translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures does not contain the name Jehovah or any equivalent name for God nor does it contain the tetragrammaton the four hebrew letters representing Gods name nor any equivalent greek letters that would refer to his name.
A third point if I may , in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God" thats what the KI word for word translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures published by the WTB&TS says. It does not say "a" god
take care
i was manning a cart not long ago.
o, aye:) .
a man, who i suspect is familiar with this site comes to me.
Thank you Perry a photo speaks more than a thousand words .Generation WTF solved.
I think the song"Another brick in the wall" describes it just as well.
After all bricks in a wall overlap each other.
looking at the australian wt memorandum and articles of this line took my attention.. when did they ever undertake works to relieve poverty, some discarded bethelites facing poverty would laugh at this, more like charitable works for the extension of poverty.
but no poverty facing the ultra heavies and gb members replete with obscene displays of the means of telling the time..
Maybe this is another area the ARC should be looking at also