Welcome christina 1111 glad to have you on board.As other posters have said love bombing is rife to new converts only for the realisation to set in after they have been baptised that it doesnt last.
What you need to do is ask yourself what attracted you to the religion in the first place doctrinally and now investigate those claims made by JW`s.
The site JWfacts is excellent in this regard.being non bitter about JW`s just stating facts.
One or two points I will make .
The first edition of the" Aid" book under Jehovah states that it doesnt matter if it is not the correct pronunciation of Gods name just so long as we use the commonly accepted version .? WTF?
Also their KI word for word translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures does not contain the name Jehovah or any equivalent name for God nor does it contain the tetragrammaton the four hebrew letters representing Gods name nor any equivalent greek letters that would refer to his name.
A third point if I may , in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God" thats what the KI word for word translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures published by the WTB&TS says. It does not say "a" god
take care