The Australian announcement of Child Safeguarding Policy by the WTB&TS /Jehovahs Witnesses available on request to any member of this religion is not acceptable for obvious reasons to ex JW`s .
The response by Jehovahs Witnesses is not acceptabile and ,should not be acceptable by anyone.
The ARC has been demonised by the JW religion as being a part of Satans System of things under the control of the God of this system of things Satan the Devil .2Cor.4:4 According to Jehovahs Witness Governing Body.
So by far the majority of JW`s will not even ask for this policy because it will flag to the Elders who are questioning the authority of the Governing body of elders
And no JW wants to be looked upon as a weak JW or one who is going to cause trouble to the religion or bring reproach on Jehovahs name.
By complaining to the Australian Royal Commission about jehovahs Witnesses.these people will be ostracised .,shunned and excluded from family and friends no matter how long they have been associated with the JW religion.