Could this not be an avenue we could take advantage of in getting our message across about the problems of Cult religions such as the JW`s and others ,however banning them only seems to make them stronger ?
Wouldnt it be more effective to have a series of media outlets ,print TV etc. exposing their failed predictions ,prophecys , and showing what they published in their official publications years ago that they clearly reject nowadays ?
Exposing the "old truths"/" new truths" for what it is .an excuse ,rationalisation of failed expectatipons /prophecy that never happened when they predicted it.
The internet is full of such occurences .
We could write to Russia too giving our point of view or should I say YOUR point of view.
I dont believe JW`s should be banned in Russia or anywhere else ,but I do believe we have the right to expose the JW religion for what we believe it really is. A CULT