My wife and I ,our two sons and their wives have never attended a memmorial since 1993 or a congregation meeting either .
And none of us were ever DF
(original version posted 2014).
notice: the following is submitted in full recognition of and with compassion and due respect for those who, due to personal circumstance, feel they are unable to employ this powerful strategy.. ---.
anyone who has awakened to ttatt and has conscientiously left the organization--especially a once-prominent, highly-regarded, studious true-believer from a celebrated multi-generational tribe of jws-- after decades of devout, high-profile "serve-us," who continues to put in an annual appearance at the memorial thoroughly subverts and undermines, by this one act, any hope s/he may entertain that his/her departure will stir family or former friends to question the whole watchtower bamboozle.
My wife and I ,our two sons and their wives have never attended a memmorial since 1993 or a congregation meeting either .
And none of us were ever DF
my boy is going to play for watford football club!
and whilst i didn't take his revelation to seriously, i am was glad his " goal" isn't to pioneer.
Thats good news ,I hope he is not baptised and goes on to better things in the football world Here in Australia Victoria ,we have a JW 23-5 year old not bapised playing for an AFL football team (professional level)
While they are not baptised they can fly under the radar once their baptised its a different story as you probably are well aware of.
I wish your son all the best for his future in football.
i never got into trouble with the elders.
i served on judicial committees too many times.
i am happy that i no longer have to "judge" whether someone is a "sinner" any longer!
No never ,however I did DF them about 15 years after fading and coming on this forum.
because i am still very much held a prisoner to past beliefs and practice, i dress in suit and tie and bring a briefcase on my frequent dates.. i talk business during the entire happy meal (macdonalds), displaying ad brochures and spreadsheets relative to whatever business plan i happen to be hawking that day.
i count the venture as a business expense and jws who frequent this fine diner know i am not on a date.
there are no smirks, no snickering, no knowing glances.
cc , maybe you should try having no dates at Hungry Jacks instead of Macs they could be a better might even get a kiss on the cheek instead of a handshake.
Have you seen "The Founder"? with M.keaton? (sorry to stray off topic)
The suit the tie the briefcase are all good props and the bonus is the brochures and spreadsheets .
You should have great success in finding any lost sheep .
so it is now two days after another islamic terrorist attack.
how many muslims are in the streets protesting and condemning this evil?
how many are marching in all the big cities condemning this in mass protests?.
Any Muslim found committing an act of terrorism should be sent back to the land of his origin and his family should be sent back also..
If he or she is born in the country that they have committed an offence of terroism then they and their family should be returned to the country of the parents,
This is the only way to get through to parents and offspring that their are consequences for acts of terrorism committed in democratic lands. And that the parents need to control their children and make plain to them the cosequences of their actions.That they will ALL be evicted.
the jehovah's witness protection program.
my first clue that 'something was up' lay in the fact that it was 7 am in the intensive care unit and getting to my patient was a challenge for all of his visitors in his second clue that 'something was up' lay in the fact that my patient was african-american and all of his visitors were before we get all racially sensitive, i am very aware that many families are blended in many ways and many of us are close friends with people of all races.
however, in the hospital where i work, it is an uncommon sight to see a room full of white people at the bedside of a black man at seven in the morning.
Maybe their should be a procedure in Hospitals that ONLY 2-3 blood relatives are allowed to visit a dying person at any one time and if their is to be an exception as far as "clergy" are to be involved ONLY ONE person can attend and no more.
Just saying
How else do you stop Vultures hovering over dying people.
hearing of sisters doing humble work in the congregation:.
how is it feel if you are a women with ambitions, well educated, maybe born very smart, you know what you want.. and then you see the elders, some simple, some very strict and some act like idiots.. and you know you're role is to be the one of housewife, pioneer and coffee vollenteer in the kh.. i did not see any ambisious jw girl in my youth maybe they did hide it.
but what a frustration there must be.. how do you see this aspect?.
Thats a good question Gorby ,I have come across a few women in congregations I have attended who I considered were very intellgent and smart ,and some that never took crap from Elders.
I would hazard a guess that they are all out by now , not that i know for sure as I live now in a different state and many many years have gone by.
But then again intelligence is not something that protects you from joining a cult does it or even remaining in one.
Plenty of intelligent people with high IQ`s have fallen victim to one cult or another whether they are male or female.
Why were females who (claimed) were of the annointed never given any authority in congregation matters when they would rule with Christ for a thousand years.?
Governing Body members claim their authority as GB members with no more authority than women or men who claim they are of the annointed ,
And yet the annointed have no say in congregation matters. They are not recognised any more than a R&F member
So why should we believe one and not the other.?
since the angels that followed satan could take on human form and even have sex and bear offspring to females of earth why would satan not have used this avenue instead of talking through a snake .?
which really makes no common sense ?.
why wouldnt eve question how a snake could talk?
Since the Angels that followed satan could take on human form and even have sex and bear offspring to females of earth why would Satan not have used this avenue instead of talking through a snake .? which really makes no common sense ?
Why wouldnt Eve question how a snake could talk? or even reason with a question ?
Wouldnt Eve be more convinced and believed another "human" rather than take the word of a talking snake ?
Which is the more logical.?
Atheists will say its all BS anyway
What about those who believe the bible is the inspired word of GOD ?
hello folks.
as some of you might know my dad couldnt keep quiet about my view of the world, so i have been "forced" to study with an elder.
otherwise i would be dragged to questioning, which is to much pressure for a young inexperienced person like me.
In the Christian Greek Scriptures their are over 30 times where it says that christians are to be witnesses of/for/or about Jesus and not one that instructs christians to bear witness about Jehovah ,you could ask humbly ,why is that so ?
You are also aware that the Christian Greek Scriptures say that the name of Jesus is to be exalted above every other name , either in heaven on ,earth ,or under the earth. (that includes jehovah)
However I do agree with what others have said here play it down act dumb and be submissive until your a bit older .
If the Elder senses you are questioning the GB al he will want to do is entrap you into committing yourself.
Take care.CoE
so just watching the news and just seen an article about a former mp who was a critic of putin and has been assassinated ,it mentioned others who had stood up to putin and received the effects of his long reaching arm , i wonder what he will think of all the letters he will be receiving shortly ?
I`m pretty damned sure Mr Putin will not be worrying about a letter writing campaign by JW`s