Christ Laughs At Meetings ( JW meetings that is )
Posts by smiddy
What does CLAM stand for?
by QuestioningEverything ini've seen this in a few posts and not sure what it means.
:) please help..
4000 places of Abuse says the Australian Royal Commission on track to deliver its final report on Dec.15
by smiddy inaccording to an article in the herald sun tues.march 28 2017 ,australian children were abused in more than 4000 institutions new data by the child abuse royal commission has revealed.. male clergy were most commonly perpertrators of the abuse followed by teachers and residential care workers while boys aged 10-14 were the most common victims.. the arc started its 57th and final case study yesterday ,chair justice peter mcclellan confirmed that after four years the $500 million commission was on track to deliver its final report on december the 15th (2017).
"survivors have waited too long for an effective response to their suffering and the future protection of australian children must be given the highest priority "he said.. end of article..
Thank you darkspilver for posting the full quote.
4000 places of Abuse says the Australian Royal Commission on track to deliver its final report on Dec.15
by smiddy inaccording to an article in the herald sun tues.march 28 2017 ,australian children were abused in more than 4000 institutions new data by the child abuse royal commission has revealed.. male clergy were most commonly perpertrators of the abuse followed by teachers and residential care workers while boys aged 10-14 were the most common victims.. the arc started its 57th and final case study yesterday ,chair justice peter mcclellan confirmed that after four years the $500 million commission was on track to deliver its final report on december the 15th (2017).
"survivors have waited too long for an effective response to their suffering and the future protection of australian children must be given the highest priority "he said.. end of article..
I thought some here would have commented on the final report being handed down in December this year bringing closure to an investigation that has been ongoing for the past 4 years.
With the next step going forward as to how effective this ARC has been in bringing real change to all the institutions that were brought before this inquiry
Some have made positive statements of change that they are implementing due to the ARC .that I know of.
Many others I do not know of their stance.
However I believe the WTB&TS /Jehovahs Witnesses have taken exception to a number of recomendations that the ARC addressed as real problems of concern
It will be very interesting just how the Australian legal profession responds to the recomendations the ARC reports to them on the inadequate response of certain institutions to the recomendations they make to non compliance of their directives.
Anybody ?
Bible writers ignored their own principle
by venus inbible gives a very beneficial principle when it states “too much talk” is problematic whereas “anyone who holds his tongue is prudent.” (proverb 10:19) in harmony with this if bible had given us just enough verses like this: “remember god always and do everything as an offering to him” (ecclesiastes 12:1; colossians 3:17), it could have kept itself invincible.. instead, it started to speak “too much” which often backfired.
1) too much information on a too less important subject (such as woman’s menstruation) and yet too less information on too important subject such as creation which comes in just one sentence: god created “the mankind in his image.” (genesis 1:27).
2) jesus was taken to a mountain top so that he and satan could see “all the kingdoms of the earth” [which is in support of flat-earth belief], and satan tried to tempt jesus by offering them all in exchange of an act of worship to him.
Point 1 : I can almost concur with if man was made in GODS image. ,GOD is such a bloodthirsty being.No wonder mankinds history is so full of bloodshed.
Point 2 :Proves the Bible unscientific and that it speaks out of both sides of its mouth and Jesus was no ordinary man as he was depicted to be.I dont see any examples of Adam having supernatural powers of any sort.
Point 3 :Apart from no one coming in his defence because of all the miracles he was supposed to have performed , that statement in John 21:25 always amused me ,seriously ? with the amount of literature that is available to the average joe today and is increasing everyday as we speak ?
So I agree with you venus ,good post
GoBo hints we want all to dress American I
by oppostate inin this wt literature illustration from a german kingdom hall, one can see that the two nonwestern jw's on the right are featured as needing to improve on their choice of clothing and become more american like the gobo wishes them all to be.. .. .
Didnt Jesus and his disciples wear a dress and sandles ? They wouldnt be allowed out in FS with a dress code like that.
Not to mention they all had beards.
Book of Zechariah applied to GB
by yoko N inbook of zechariah chapter11.
16 for i am letting a shepherd rise up in the land.
he will not take care of the sheep that are perishing;+ he will not seek out the young or heal the injured+ or feed those able to stand.
A very good post yoko N ,you get a g for applying scripture to your post.
Special Video tie-in this week in Australia? Saturday April1st. A GB Speaker?
by stuckinarut2 ini have been told that there is to be a special talk linked via video hook up all around australia this saturday april 1st?
a 3 hour program apparently?.
someone said it was a governing body speaker?.
My 2 cents worth would be the expected negative report to be delivered by the ARC has to how Jehovahs Witnesses respond to child sexual abuse .And how they are going to put a spin on it.
Did you have a favorite pub . . .
by compound complex inpublication, that is?.
i just found all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial in storage.
i enjoyed studying it, as well as make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine.. our thinking has changed, of course, but, back then, did you have a wt publication you especially liked?.
Two come to mind "Equipped For Eveygood Work" a commentary on each of the bible books and the green book "Your Will Be Done" book on Daniels prophecys.
Why did Satan tempt Eve with a talking snake when he could have materialised as another human to tempt her ?
by smiddy insince the angels that followed satan could take on human form and even have sex and bear offspring to females of earth why would satan not have used this avenue instead of talking through a snake .?
which really makes no common sense ?.
why wouldnt eve question how a snake could talk?
StudyBuddy , you do have an imagination I`ll give you that
.However you fall into the same trap that all believers do ,instead of taking the scriptures on face value for what it actually states you endeavour to interpret what the scriptures mean according to your own understanding of things .
In other words you dont believe GOD can convey with words what he really means You have to decipher his meaning for us,
Is your GOD that stupid he cant say in words what he really means ? or do you think he doesnt mean what he actually says.?
Which is it ?
Welcome to the forum Studybuddy and dont take offence at my response to your post.
4000 places of Abuse says the Australian Royal Commission on track to deliver its final report on Dec.15
by smiddy inaccording to an article in the herald sun tues.march 28 2017 ,australian children were abused in more than 4000 institutions new data by the child abuse royal commission has revealed.. male clergy were most commonly perpertrators of the abuse followed by teachers and residential care workers while boys aged 10-14 were the most common victims.. the arc started its 57th and final case study yesterday ,chair justice peter mcclellan confirmed that after four years the $500 million commission was on track to deliver its final report on december the 15th (2017).
"survivors have waited too long for an effective response to their suffering and the future protection of australian children must be given the highest priority "he said.. end of article..
According to an Article in the Herald Sun Tues.March 28 2017 ,Australian children were abused in more than 4000 institutions new data by the child abuse royal commission has revealed.
Male clergy were most commonly perpertrators of the abuse followed by teachers and residential care workers while boys aged 10-14 were the most common victims.
The ARC started its 57th and final case study yesterday ,chair justice Peter McClellan confirmed that after four years the $500 million commission was on track to deliver its final report on December the 15th (2017)
"Survivors have waited too long for an effective response to their suffering and the future protection of Australian children must be given the highest priority "he said.
End of article.