OrphanCrow---Defense-----Isnt that exactly the reason a nation goes to war to protect itself from an invader ?
Posts by smiddy
Church gets own police force - are the Dubs next?
by SadElder injust read this article in the washington times.
other sites have similar stories.. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/12/briarwood-presbyterian-alabama-megachurch-gets-sta/.
can you imagine the dubs with a sworn police force with arrest powers?.
Russian Ban exposed but not THE ARC...WHY?
by tor1500 injust your thoughts....i've been all over this site, everyone says, that if jehovah was backing the org.
then why so many things happen in the org.
child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the banning of witnesses all over the media, but the arc isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) nothing like the nyt or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...i know even if the arc was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe jehovah is bringing the org.
In the religious world Jehovahs Witnesses are nothing but a small sect that are nothing more than a curiosity with weired beliefs .
They are not newsworthy to the general public just a nuisance that knocks on your door at the most inopportune times trying to sell their religion.
Nobody cares about them. 8 million worldwide ? chickenfeed .And only been around for about 100 years .
The Catholic Church ?been around for 2 centuries with well over 1 billion believers worldwide ,thats newsworthy.
The media of today are not so much interested in news as they are in entertainment / ratings ,what is going to capture the most viewers /readers.and generate more profits to their organisation satisfying their shareholders.
No one is protecting the organisation
No Jehovah
No individuals
Its because jehovahs Witnesses are just another small religious sect of American origin started about 100 years ago that nobody cares about and they are not newsworthy.
Think about all the other sects that sprang up in America and elsewhere in the past 200 years how newsworthy are they ?
think about it.
Assemblys Of God,The Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints ,(Mormons ) Christian Scientists ,The Seventh day Adventists ,The Christadelphians ,The Exclusive Bretheren ,Scientology ,etc,etc.
And their are heaps more those are just a smidgeon of the better known ones.
In the main the general public do not care about them they are not newsworthy and neither are JW`s
If There is no God is Murder Wrong? - Michael Shermer
by cofty ina very useful 8 minute talk on a topic that is raised frequently by believers in this forum.. ....
If God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son John 3:16 ,I presume he meant the whole world so why did he for at least four centuries favour the Israelites over all other nations ?that then existed ?
And himself being responsible for the death of millions of people who were not his chosen people ?
Wasnt/isnt God supposed to be impartial ?
According to the bible he he was responsible for creating seperate nations when he confused the languages at Babel
He certainly had no love or sympathy for any nation other than the Israelites for the first four centuries.
Jehovah God murdered millions of people before the birth of Jesus Christ.
Millions of people who dont believe in any God accept that murder is wrong
Thanks for posting cofty an interesting video
Watchtower Corporation Days Are So Numbered, Thank You Information Age!
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think if we could have a graph of how the change rate of technology has sky rocketed during the last century or perhaps the last three centuries, the point would be clearly made.. say we had a huge graph of technological progress of man since his ability to make fire, about 600,000 years ago, we'd see that a new techno advancement in the species happened every 50,000 years or so, then doubling every so often till we reached the say 14th century then the doubling must have got into high gear, till now in the information age where light speed sets the limits.
now we have information at our finger tips and no need for making a laborious trips to library.
case in point type in jehovah's witnesses in any search engine.. ignorance is in a down turn no matter how hard the governing body demonize higher education, the internet, and whatever.. as this younger generation with information at your finger tips becomes of age no matter how young you get them committed by being baptized, it spells doom for these clowns running this corporation.
They are no "Going out with a bang but a whimper" as the older generation die off and the younger generation fade away finding religion irrelevant .
"Abuse of free will" - an Oxymoron?
by doubtfull1799 inthe society loves to talk about how adam and eve abused their gift of free will.
doesn't free will mean the freedom to choose?
how can exercising that freedom to choose then be classed as abusing the gift?
Adam and Eve exercising their "free will" became like the Gods Knowing good and bad Gen.3:22 according to Gods word the Bible.
So the Gods didnt really want Adam and Eve to have free will , they were upset that they execised that right that was given to them.
A baffling physics question
by FatFreek 2005 infor several weeks i've been treating myself to a hot chocolate milk (well, soymilk) before bedtime.
some 16 oz soymilk which i heat on high in our microwave oven.
this is just enough time where the liquid begins to bubble along the top edge.. i then take it out of the microwave and place it on my kitchen gram scale, stir it good enough to redistribute the heat, then reset the scale to zero grams.. next, i squeeze in the hershey's sytup, "special dark mildly sweet chocolate" (fat free) into the warmed soymilk till the scale reads some 30 grams.
Their is also the plus -minus error % to be considered with each recording.,are they outside these limits or within these limits.?
Their is always a margin of error to be taken in consideration with any experiment either with the same person doing the experiment and a different margin with someone else doing the same experiment..
Janet Jackson before and after pics
by moomanchu inguess she is a muslim now, golly.. http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/janet-jackson-spotted-first-time-9106989.
Is she going to stay a muslim ? or renounce it .
Is cat Stevens still a Muslim ? or has he renounced his faith or just gone back to calling himself CS.?
".... they do not kill in the name of JEHOVAH..."
by kpop inwe all love apostates because it is apostates that expose the cults for what they are.
few people should know this better than we do!
interesting video of mosab yousef at jerusalem conference sept 2016. yes, he really says that "muslims do not kill in the name of jehovah..." which i found interesting.. please, please listen to the whole thing before making a comment.
Jehovahs Witnesses do not kill others in warfare however, the not "eating" of blood /animal sacrifices interpretation completely misses the point and has not relation to blood transfusions.
So the Governing Body does sanction killing in the name of Jehovah against their own members.( in the thousands now since this policy was introduced in the 1940`s/50`s )
Fathers ,mothers sisters brothers children ,no one is exempt.
Whether it is self inflicted or by another person death is death .
Apparently the shedding of Jesus blood in his sacrifice at his crucifixion/death on a torture stake was not enough for Jehovahs Witnesses they want more blood shed.
Islamic people kill not only themselves but also innocent bystanders Muslims or not randomly in the name of Allah
Again ,fathers mothers sisters brothers children ,no one is exempt from their slaughter
What will you be doing on the evening of the 11th ?
by Phizzy inmrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
I`ll have a couple of beers during the day then a few wines during the evening topped up with maybe a steak and chips for dinner .
I can do whatever I want I`m batching,and even if I wasnt we would both be doing something similar.
Getting older, losing loved ones
by Gorbatchov injust reading a posting about relive a day for one year of your live... .
getting older, i am so sad thinking about years ago and missing my family members.
am i the only one believing they would never die?.
Hi Gorby your parents have reached the biblical three score and ten years of their life .hopefully they will go on for much longer .
I was told my children would never have to go to high school one is now 55 and the other 49 (both out of jw)
Hopefully it will still be a long time before they see both parents pass away LOL