Jehovahs Witnesses speak out of both sides of their mouth .
On the one hand they are on record as saying they have no clergy / laity class .
On the other hand they claim Clergy penitent Priviledge in a law court.
Clergy penitent privelidge is between a a confessor and a spiritual head/priest/pastor. of a religion a one on one confession.
Nothing of the sort occurs within the Jehovahs witness so called confessions.
For one thing their are three "Elders" who hear the confession that is then passed on to the legal dept,God knows how many view that ,so its certainly not a one on one experience.
And sometimes more than one body of Elders are involved in a Judicial confession which means another three Elders are privy to a confession.
Another point to be considered is most Judicial Committees convened are not inititiated by the confessor but are brought about by a third or second party making an accusation against the one under investigation .
So those cases are not to be considered as a person seeking a confessional for absolution of a sin.
In other words most Judicial Committees should more likely be termed as prosecutions against a person guilty of a sin or crime themselves .
Which in any case is never reported to the appropiate authorities by any Elders.