The mind boggles how they/our brain can switch off what we dont want to hear and keep deluding ourselves with what we want to hear.
Frightening really
the congregation i attend had it's watchtower study on thursday night because of l.d.c work this week-end, and another congregation i have some not very spiritual friends in had their watchtower study on wednesday.
from what i have delicately prised out of people, the congregations loved the watchtower study this week, saying it was so encouraging and all the usual stuff, with no-one seeming to realise the g.b.
said they're not inspired, so the spirit int he past has moved them to teach wrong things, and all the other ideas excellently summed up on reddit.. today's watchtower will wash over the heads of most j.w's like it never even happened, the all remaining as loyal as ever, and it makes me so, so sad..
The mind boggles how they/our brain can switch off what we dont want to hear and keep deluding ourselves with what we want to hear.
Frightening really
we are so overjoyed with what is happening in the exjw community!
it is places like this forum where many can have a place to interact anonymously and be felt like they are understood.
you guys are awesome!
Actually JW Gonebad I find it happyfying that baptisms are so far down in numbers and the only onezeez or twozeez are poor children of the brainwashed JW. parent.
How humiliating this must be for the elders assigned to give the baptismal talks at these venues!
And ro me I think that is great news ,hopefully that will wake a few more up out of their delusion.
( I know what you meant though LoL}
Its good to see Christian and Katja ? his wife interacting with this community now than when they just promoted their own videos and never commented further
Kudos to you both for your humility and sharing not only your vids but also contributing to discussions taking place
I wish you both well
yes, that's what he just told me.
this cult had no shame.. 😞😞😞 .
longgone while I feel your frustration given his age ,I dont think anything would be accomplished by bursting his bubble.
Not that i think you would try to do this
However I know it sucks to think he is doing it believing he is serving the Lord.
Take care , my thoughts are with you.
i`m showing my ignorance here , not being an active member of any church before joining jw`s as a 19 yr old ,whenever i was ever confronted with the question of "grace" i was always at a loss to give an effective answer from a jw point of view.. was it just me ?
or did anybody else have a similar experience ?.
(ps , i dont think i ever heard the expression " grace" in a religious sense in all my 33 years in the borg.studying the wt.).
I`m showing my ignorance here , not being an active member of any church before joining JW`s as a 19 yr old ,whenever I was ever confronted with the question of "grace" I was always at a loss to give an effective answer from a JW point of view.
Was it just me ? or did anybody else have a similar experience ?
(PS , I dont think I ever heard the expression " grace" in a religious sense in all my 33 years in the Borg.studying the WT.)
In contrst to that I wouldnt be surprised if many nominal Christians didn`t understand the terminology of Watctower speak .
JW`s just had to be different from mainstream Christianity
this is obviously a question for the older generation.
i'm really curious what it was like to be a witness in the 60's and 70's?.
was the society as strict as it is today?.
My wife and I attended 4 congregations in Melb.Aust. in the decade of the 1960`s .They were pretty conservative and took the "truth" seriously,Not much socilising at all it wasn`t encouraged back then.
When the book "life Everlasting " came out in 1969 ? with the 6000 yrs since creation speculation was rife that 1975 would usher in te "New System of Things" and the special brochures that were to be distributed around the world that time in the early 1970`s rumours were abound that 7 were to be distributed with the last couple denouncing false religion and the Governments of the world that would bring on the Great Tribulation.
Of course nothing of the sort happened.
We were in Qld. by that time where the 3 congregations we were in were much more liberal and relaxed though we did have a couple of really loony Elders.
in the latest issue of double-speak, i'd like to highlight these two statements:.
page 3, par.
2 - " encouraging it is to know that jehovah’s faithful servants in the past felt free to express the same question that may loom in our minds, and they were not condemned for asking it!
Are the Jehovahs witnesses in Russia urged" to be willing to wait on the outcome" of the appeal to their being banned ?
No ? They are defying that ban by continually meeting as a congregation.
Then they are not being in subjection to the superiour authorities are they , disobeying such an authority by defying what Jehovah has put in place. Rom.Chap.13
so i am in trouble for questioning the whole rats nest of deceit and lies.
in matthew 12 jesus says: whoever speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the one to come.
" the gb seems to replace 'holy spirit' with themselves.
Then ask the self-righteous interrogator, "Should we accept everything we're told is truth - without question?"
I would say the average Elder would say yes ....and he wouldnt see the problem with his answer
Thats how indoctrinated they are .and clinging on to their self importance. in a small pond.
so lloyd evans aka cedars says on his facebook page when he attended a reveal jw child abuse event.. .
interesting stuff but no details!.
40 years ago even going back to the beginnings of the 1960`s I was a die-hard JW ,however I noticed even then that the public talks that were advertised and given out by leafletes in our local community they never ever brought in any members of the public.
The Jehovahs Witnesses are delusional. Full stop.
over many years i have been pondering how mental illness has impacted upon jw's due to the effects of indoctrination.
in my case; when i was 21 i had a breakdown and was hospitalised for 6 weeks.
i was diagnosed with anxiety tension state disorder.
Their have been a few investigations in the world linking the mental capacity of Jehovahs witnesses and whether the religion improved their mental position or was responsible for decreased mental capacity in its adherants.
Was the religion responsible for decreased mental capacity ,or were the mentally unstable more likely to have joined the religion.
From memory I think one might have been conducted by the Netherlands ? (in Europe anyway)
Another I believe was conducted by someone in Western Australia.
the watchtower magazine of january 1st, 2000, which was preached worldwide, made clear that "the anointed" at watchtower headquarters "have shown lionlike courage in exposing false religion", false religion being any and all religions other than jehovah's witnesses.
this same issue made clear to you, that we "god's watchman class" have used the watchtower "magazine in vigorously proclaiming to mankind that the vindication of jehovah's sovereignty by christ's kingdom is at hand.
as far back as the watchtower of december 1, 1966, we, god's spokesman, warned that armageddon could not be avoided.
Do the Watchtower publications named in biblexaminers post constitute hatefill speech ?
Maybe not so much when they were written but now in 2017 such language is not permissable and could very well come under hate speech against other religions.
Could that language also be identified as Cult speak ?
Shouldnt the powers that be whoever they are in Government circles look at the tax exemption ,charitable status of an organization that produces /prints and disseminates such hatefull literature in our communities ?