I can understand your frustration with these type of people.
I discovered this decades ago and have made comment on it before.
"ManyJehovahs Witnesses leave the "truth" but the "truth" never leaves them"
or in other words
"many religious people leave a religion but the religion never leaves them"
These jehovahs witnesses are no different from their counter-parts in Christendom who claim they are Catholic or Church of England for example and never set foot in their respective church or participate in church activities or attendance,
Except for special occascions like marriages ,funerals ,baptisms ,xmass or easter.
And in the case of a JW the memorial or "Special talks" or the CO or Do`s visit.
They are R.C , / C of E, or JW in name only .
They are the ones to be pitied
It is not a religion to them based on knowledge and reason it is based solely on feelings ,emotion. and not on an accurate or even an inaccurate knowledge of what they think they believe.