The Almighty God Jehovah /Yahweh/ Allah The Eternal ,or whatever else believers in the books of the Biblewant to call him is the one who allowed Evil to be brought into the world .
As the many scriptures have been brought out in other posts the God of the Bible is both good and evil.
This is also demonstrated in Gen.3:22 where God said "here the man has become like one of us knowing good and bad " or good and evil to put it another way.
If God hadnt put such a tree, of "knowledge of good and bad" in the garden of Eden in the first place ,Eve and then Adam couldnt have know bad/evil.
So God knows what good and bad/evil was before he put that tree in the garden of Eden ,so within God himself is good and evil , he is both good and evil.and he put that temptation in front of the first human pair.