Can the dead hear?
No, they are dead.
It seems the living , JW`s, cant hear either ,they are dead to the TTATT
the "what does the bible really teach?
" book says we cannot speak to the dead (page 64) and that the dead do not hear (page 58) but on page 68 the book has jesus talking to a dead man and the dead man apparently hearing and responding.
the same thing happens on page 69 when peter talks to a dead woman and the dead woman apparently hears and responds.
Can the dead hear?
No, they are dead.
It seems the living , JW`s, cant hear either ,they are dead to the TTATT
someone in russia is paying attention to the jw property seizures.
this is a petition started in russia for transforming a kingdom hall into a cultural space for young musicians.. the petition is in russian so i have copied the google translate here:.
please mark out space for the development of musical creativity among young people!shtanko eugene - pechora, russiaapril 20, 2017 the supreme court declared extremist activity "administrative center of jehovah's witnesses in russia" and banned its operation.
My JW niece was a gifted musiscian playing the piano and violin at school she gave solo concerts at a couple of engagements and her teachers wanted her to further her love of music by attending the conservatorium of music in Melbourne .However the JW mindset and influence of the religion got the better of her .
Who knows what she could have achieved .That was many years ago and now she is still a brainwashed JW.
i went to see guardians of the galaxy 2 yesterday.
(great movie by the way, perfect mixture of action and comedy in my opinion.
) i told my family i would go by myself because they were all going to be at my sister's graduation.
It sounds like you had a great "normal" day and not a "contrived happyfying " day.
Good for you
so i've been a lurked on this site for about 15 years, thank goodness for dial up internet.... anyway my fade has been working off and on for that long but my whole family is still in including my kid.
at this point i have started dating a worldly person.
he is wiling to put onthe facade of being a witness so i don't have to lose my family.
wannaexit ,maybe you can understand where I was comming from. just saying.
floridaborn ,I see you have been lurking on this site for 15 years and joined 3 years ago and now only posted just recently.
I`m not sure what to say , except your a very cautious person .and as wannaexit says "I too am amazed " lurking for 15 years ? and only just posting ?
However ,getting back to your post ,your obviously not a teenager but an adult and want a relationship with the opposite sex .and are scared of losing your family if they find out your dating a worldly person .
You need to identify what will make you happy in this short life that you have on earth. .( reality check)
Do you want to do what pleases your family and makes them happy and you miserable ?
or do you want to do what makes YOU happy for the rest of your short life here on this earth.
I hope you think about this and make the right decision for you
It is your choice and nobody else`s
with the a.r.c.,closing bethles,selling off k.h's.publisher numbers at best stagnating,court case's going against them.. i give a 3 out of 10.. karter.
I agree with you Karter its certainly a downhill slide for them and a 3 sounds reasonable to me .
However they will still be around for "generations" to come ,their will always be vulnerable/needy people among us sadly.
just a heads-up that i will be testing some updates this evening.. the nature of the changes means it's difficult to test every scenario in advance offline (translation: it's a lot more effort and i just can't be bothered) so i'm going to go with the "wing-it" approach:.
deploy, check for errors, try to fix errors before anyone else notices them.. i can switch between the new and old version pretty quickly so if there are significant issues, i'll rollback and revert the changes while i work on the fixes.
worse case is the pages won't display quite right (dates might be a giveaway) but a full page refresh should fix things..
Thankfully the edit option works for me now.
someone in russia is paying attention to the jw property seizures.
this is a petition started in russia for transforming a kingdom hall into a cultural space for young musicians.. the petition is in russian so i have copied the google translate here:.
please mark out space for the development of musical creativity among young people!shtanko eugene - pechora, russiaapril 20, 2017 the supreme court declared extremist activity "administrative center of jehovah's witnesses in russia" and banned its operation.
Well at least this hall will now sound out" Music to the Ears" no matter how inexperienced these young musciscians are.
Anything they perform has to be better than those" Kingdom Maladys" that the KH spewed out before.
my god!
i hope she is ok!
what have you leftists done to italy?!
In this day and age nothing surprises me .
In that video nobody sees the attacker ?
And nobody sees the victim Francesca after the alleged attack
And if the video/cameraman couldnt get that footage he needs to look for another job,he`s obviously incompetent .
Apparently other news media doesnt pick up on the story ?
If it is true and not a ratings publicity stunt I hope she is OK and unharmed .
However I`m sceptical
Just saying
you could fertilize your garden with this shite....
The media : Why dont Jehovahs witnesses/G.B members provide the Data base of child sexual abuse you have on file ?
GB/JW`s : We dont respond to false accusations
Whenever the media reports on persecution /harrassment/discrimination of Jehovahs Witnesses its a fact.
Whenever the Media reports on Child Sexual Abuse and failure of the JW`s to respond on behalf of the victim ,then its all lies the media lies ,you cant trust the media,they are a product of Satans system of things.
a disfellowshiped brother wrote a letter of disquisition to the governing body of wbts a little while ago.
it was not in any way nasty, derogatory, rude, blasphemous, or with profanity but it was civil, truthful, & very informative that some have described as extremely truthful to enlightening, an ebullient disclosure.
i got to see some paraphrases extracted from it that have been circulating quietly or rather secretly passed around & i agree with the latter description.. the governing body was greatly perturbed, alarmed, to confused with this letter particularly as they became aware several of the congregation were also sent copies which some of the local congregational elders raised controversial questions about but mainly was dismissed by them without reading, to scoffing & ridicule but some also saw something more truthful to concern them.
If we assume it IS all factual, then I think it confirms that the members of this GB (or their Helpers) damn well know that they are dispensing a bunch of bullshit
Wouldnt the GB member who warned JW`s about not listening to the media reports about Jehovahs Witnesses ( child sex abuses,Australian Royal Commission into abuse in the JW religion etc.) and labelling such reports as lies and untruths says it all doesnt it ?
Doesnt that confirm they are liars and will cover up the truth at any cost ?.