Didnt they teach the resurrected ones would neither marry or be given in marriage ? So there would then be three classes of people living on the earth males,females and the walking dead made alive.
Posts by smiddy
Lets be honest, not a little leery of the resurrected ones????
by James Mixon inmaybe i have watched too many zombie movies but i would sleep with one eye open, inquire to see what is your favored menu,do you sleep walk, are your body parts functioning properly (i would hate to shake your hand and it fall off).
your wife never married after 10 years and now you are back, can you perform in the marriage bed?
?it would be hard for me to sleep at nights with someone that have been dead for over one year sleeping next to me.
WT Quote of the Day
by berrygerry inwt jan 15, 1985. these loyal subjects of god’s government have no crime problem among themselves, .
There are a few sites you can go to that show crime among Active Jehovahs Witnesses is no less than the average community and may even be greater .
Google "Crimes committed by Jehovahs Witnesses" and their are a number of sites showing the extent of crimes worldwide where JW`s have been charged and convicted .
And the lists are extensive.from murder to petty crimes as well as pedophiles ,robberies ,extortion ,domestic violence ,etc,etc.
And if you bring this subject up with a JW and they say well if they did do these things then they wernt really a JW .
Your answer should be so I guess their are no Catholics in jail either because if they were true catholics they wouldnt do those things.
Saudi Man Sentenced To Death For Atheism
by Bangalore insaudi man sentenced to death for atheism.. http://www.newsweek.com/saudi-man-sentenced-death-after-declaring-himself-atheist-online-video-591473.
Doesnt saudi have public executions for "crimes" such as atheism,Apostacy,Adultery,and if a woman is raped she is the one victimised ?
And that women are second class citizens ,needing a mans OK to venture out ,arent permitted to drive a car ,and need a chaperone for being in the presence of another man who is not a relative ? etc,etc,
I know the generation that is mid-twenties and they are far different in viewpoint about a lot of things from the next generation.
That might be well and true ,but it is the ruling power that holds the key and they arent going to give that up any time soon.
So saudi`s remain in the distant past except where it suits the wealthy male saudis to bend the rules when they are outside of their country. (Alcohol ,women,gambling ,prostitution etc )
feel free to correct me where I`m wrong.
The Saudis are now on the UN council for womens human rights !?
My mind boggles.
Australia: Ex-JW charged with alleged historic child abuse offences
by darkspilver infyi.
wa today com au, 12 may 2017. former wa jehovah witness charged with alleged historic child abuse offences .
a former member of the jehovah witness congregation will appear in court next week after he was charged with sexually assaulting four boys.. the charges stem from ongoing investigations linked to the royal commission into institutional child sexual offences.. police allege between 1993 to 2013, the 44-year-old man sexually assaulted four boys aged between 14 and 16 at the time of the offences.. read more: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/former-wa-jehovah-witness-charged-with-alleged-historic-child-abuse-offences-20170512-gw37yd.html.
A few queastions I would like to ask.
Were these allegations of child sexual abuse brought before the congregation at the time or after the alleged offences occured ? And before the Australian Royal Commission was conducted ?
If so ,did the judicial committee look into these allegations and come to a decision on the investigation ?
If the congregation was aware of these allegations at any time , did they notify either the police or child Protection Authorities of these allegations ?
And last but not least : If their was a JC into these allegations and the at least three Elders concerned did not notify the appropiate authorities about these abuses ,why arent they being charged with some offence failing to protect children under their care.,withholding a criminal offence against a minor,obstructing justice or something .
Jehovahs Witnesses have a history of failing sexually abused children in their congregations all around the world and all Governments seem to sidestep the problem and dont tackle the cause of the problem,the policys that govern child sexual abuse among Jehovahs Witnesses and the way they deal with such allegations .
How do the GB micro-manage people's lives today?
by UnshackleTheChains inhow do the gb micro-manage people's lives today?one example is their micro management in dress and grooming.
eg their view of beards.
elders in most congs will take a brother to a corner and remind him why jws don't grow beards.
If I remember correctly it was in a Kingdom Ministry article.
Different Types Of Abuse
by Amanda Moore inthere is alot if press here in australua on the royal commission about child abuse in the jw faith.
however that is just one type of abuse, abuse can be physical or mental, we tend to forget about the various types of mental abuse in the jw faith.
my story is not unique and apologies for grammar etc.. my father and mother emigrated to perth australia many decades ago when i was very young.
Welcome Amanda from a fellow aussie.That was a very sad but very true first post , I`m sure you will get a lot of helpful encouragement from many on this forum.The first thing you need to do is take control of your own life .
You dont owe anybody else anything,live the rest of your life the way you want to live from this day on. I wish you all the best in your freedom from this WT cult.
How do the GB micro-manage people's lives today?
by UnshackleTheChains inhow do the gb micro-manage people's lives today?one example is their micro management in dress and grooming.
eg their view of beards.
elders in most congs will take a brother to a corner and remind him why jws don't grow beards.
No blood ,no organ transplants Its cannalbalism, no jeans or sneakers at meetings ,brothers should wear a tie.
No slacks to be worn by sisters either at meetings or field service,
Even when your a visiting delegate at an international convention and are sightseeing before or after the meetings you should dress as you would for FS
Thats just a few off the top of my head ,
Are any of you from France and did you vote in the French election?
by Bad_Wolf ini'm just confounded.
are the french people eager to destroy their country?
they elected a man who is quoted as saying that "terrorism is going to be part of daily life in france for years to come.
In most western democracys this guy would have been seen as a victim of child sexual abuse when he was a teenager .
Years later this woman marrys him ,turning her back on her then husband and children .
He has no experience in politics and becomes president of France ? WTF ?
The mind boggles .
When is a JW considered "awake"...?
by biblexaminer in1) they begin question .
2) they stop field service.
3) they stop going to kingdumb hall.
Where do you fit in with those questions biblexaminer ,just asking.?
From your previous posts you have failed the first 5 questions you have posted 2-6
Again from your previous posts after 16 years on this board you dont comply with numbers 2-6 .
And I do appreciate you have your reasons for still participating in congregational activities in the JW religion for family reasons etc.which I am not aware of and have no business knowing .
However I think you have to be careful with the topics you start lest they come back to bite you in the ass.
Be free to get stuck into me if I`m out of line.
I do believe you have your heart in the right place
just saying.
Do JWs Really Bother You?
by minimus inin reality my experience with the witnesses is that they really don't bother me or bother with me which suits me just fine....are you "bothered" by the witnesses at this point of your life?.
I hardly ever see them and I have yet to see a cart in my area.Is the D2D work slackening off ?
Admittedly I`m in a small community of about 6000 people ,which grows to about 60000 in peak holiday times.
If I remember rightly their used to be about 80 publishers at the local KH ,I dont know what it is now ,I must find out.