I wasnt thinking of any specific Australian Law about clergy or Citizens being mandated to report allegations of any crime .
Where did I say that ?
What I was inferring to is that according to the ARC the Elders at this enquiry had an" obligation" both morally and legally to report these 1006 cases of alleged child sexual abuse that the judicial committees oversaw in those previous decades
Not only did they fail the victims in the congregation they also failed every other child in that congregation where the abuse not warning the families of the potential danger to their children.
And the other thing that was brought out in the ARC was the fact that these Elders had no regard for the children in the general community where the Kingdom Hall was situated , non Jehovahs Witness children ,apparently they had no regard for whether these children would be subjected to sexual abuse because they are not jehovahs witnesses and and not our responsability.
So the general community around a Kingdom Hall where sexual abuse occured was not informed of the potential danger to their children by any of the Elders.
The Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses have not only failed their own children in their care they have also failed the children in the wider community and their familys.