nowwhat ? OK from about 1968-9 with the release of the book "Life Everlasting in The Freedom Of The Sons Of God " Armageddon was very close at hand 1975 or at the possibly latest 1980.
6000 years of human existence ended ? what an opportune time for Jesus to begin his 1000 yeare reign . Nothing happened.
When that didnt eventuate in the next decade it was more likely to occur before the next Century in other words before or at the year 2000 ,expectations arose as they have done often times in the past .
Nothing happened
So you would have to wonder why would anybody want to become a Jehovahs Witness with so many failures of prophecy they have.
Not to mention the ARC into Child Sexual Abuse that they have failed to address adequately and have over 1000 cases they failed to notify the respective authorities about..
Its all on record.